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Changed Times

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10 years or more ago in Northern Ireland it was difficult to get a .22lr on your Firearms Certificate. (Even farmers and Landowners needed a helluva good reason). Now it is so much more relaxed you can have almost any calibre you wish as long as you can justify having it. A young lad I know never shot in his life and when he turned 18 he applied and got a .22 magnum. There was nothing stopping him going for a much more powerful centre fire such as ,223 or .22/250. I am certainly in favour of young men getting into the sport but it just shows how times have changed!

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I've had my FAC about 18 months, I originally applied for a .17HMR and a .223 and was knocked back due to not having enough experience, I had only owned shotguns and air rifles before...I was granted a .22lr... At the time I was gutted and thought if your safe with a rifle your safe with any rifle.


But after shooting my .22lr for a year, and now just having had my .223 for a week, looking back it was defiantly the right decision by the FAO... :thumbs:

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