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rabbit wipe out

Guest jbswildlife

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what a load of bollocks...lol, if there was ever such an invention i dont think you would be the one breaking the news, it would of been covered by every news channel and news paper in the country....your in f*****g dream land...lol.

anyway i'm taking the new dog out now that i invented, it's f*****g brilliant, he even cooks what he catches...lol.



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Hold on a minute, I'm as sceptical as anyone when it comes to ultrasonic and electromagnetic pest solutions, Ive not yet seen one even deter pests but if JBS means he is working with Wildlife Management International of NZealand,it does put a very different perspective on things. They have a track record in non native species removal, in the UK recently Rats on the Island of Canna( a long swim from JBS on the west coast of Scotland),

Google them or Canna. I am positive that if this were merely another Ebay/SundayRag seller they would not be making trips half way round the world.

If this does work like several others I have grave concerns over the effect on non target species, and even more concern over who gets hold of it, if it does do 'what it says on the tin'

JBS keep the info coming, pics, how it works, methodology.


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just to let you know mixi is doing

a great job as it is over here in ireland :laugh:

got an ultra sonic gimic for ants and supposidly mice too.

only to find my little ant hive i was trying to get rid off was under

the socket where the super sonic ant killer was plugged in.

so i find it hard to believe this one will work on rabbits

so far away.

all the best


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  • 11 months later...
Now where did i leave mini me?


Tied up in the toilets at Weston Park.



Lucky, that new dog of yours needs a collar!?!



So, DEFRA are trialling the greatest breakthrough in pest control this century, and they leave it to someone on here to break the news ............. right ok.

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