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Homeless Guy

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  On 16/09/2014 at 22:32, Ggib said:


  On 16/09/2014 at 22:25, socks said:


  On 16/09/2014 at 22:00, Ggib said:


  On 16/09/2014 at 21:11, blackmaggie said:

i dont feel the need to suck anything matey and most do have a drink or drug problem and some dont and some dont choose that way of life but what gives you the right to abuse them why because you come across them when your out and you feel there weaker or beneath you like i said you sound a prick

its got eff all to do with being weaker than me, it's called a prank who mentioned abuse? Too quick to talk shite and make someone a victim ya ballroot , most of them have the problem of 2 hands and only one mouth.

So you find some poor f****r that's in such a bad enough situation where he has to live rough and beg for money to eat and find a quiet place to try and get his head down out of the weather and you think throwing a fire cracker at him is a prank ... f***ing grow up fella ........

if they don't go for help they can't cry foul, If they drink all the money they get they can't cry foul, unless they're not right in the head, why do they choose to live rough them days are long over why not go to a church, unless he's on the run, why sleep cold n damp when you can get heat and a warm meal for free and even a bed. These homeless ones who have been homeless for years shows you what?


spend a week in ones shoes and believe me, youl learn about survival

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my oul fella always told me .only time you look down on somebody is when yer giving them a hand up.

Had a local lad that used to hang about around asda, used to ask to take the trolley's back and keep the pound. A lot of people took the piss and he was well known by the community but never caused an

A PET TRAMP ... That is another human you are talking about ...........

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  On 16/09/2014 at 21:33, nothernlite said:


  On 16/09/2014 at 20:14, lukey said:

There's a guy up this way in the woods up the back of langbank, he's lived up there for 18 years now! Wore a proper kilt for years lived in a big teepee till some dudes burned it down then made another out of clear Perspex! Turned his back on crime and moved from the clalton to there and been there ever since

never knew that no far from me

Aye mate right up at the top high up the lennoxtown woods id call it. Livy is his name, my dad ect knew him and always took us up to see him n it was great seeing it, I continued to go up as I got older taking mates up ect to meet him, but he's went a bit weird tbh, years ago you'd sit have a laugh and he'd always have great story's to tell but as time went on he just changed! I still drive up now and again of I tell anyone about him to let them see how n where he lives just don't go in anymore!

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Out of the hundreds that come and go in Leeds the majority have learning difficulties or are drug users/alcoholics, Yes i do pass the time of day with them but we are encouraged not to give them money or buy them food because there is a place that looks after the homeless (st George cript) if they go there they will be properly looked after.i have only met one man who genuinely couldn't cope with every day life.

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  On 16/09/2014 at 22:58, Ggib said:

I know plenty about bad luck. But my motto is you can mope about feeling all sorry and depressed, or you get up of your ass and do something about it, and I know about PTSD and that's what I ment by people not right in the head. They need professional help, a person living homeless for years is a moper otherwise they would have changed it, unless a natural disaster or circumstances dictates otherwise.


" they need professional help " you say.................i agree.


What they dont need is some gutless small minded f****n idiot walking past giving them a sly dig " because they can "


Bullying is what most folk call it and nobody likes a bully.

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  On 17/09/2014 at 07:00, gnasher16 said:


  On 16/09/2014 at 22:58, Ggib said:

I know plenty about bad luck. But my motto is you can mope about feeling all sorry and depressed, or you get up of your ass and do something about it, and I know about PTSD and that's what I ment by people not right in the head. They need professional help, a person living homeless for years is a moper otherwise they would have changed it, unless a natural disaster or circumstances dictates otherwise.


" they need professional help " you say.................i agree.


What they dont need is some gutless small minded f****n idiot walking past giving them a sly dig " because they can "


Bullying is what most folk call it and nobody likes a bully.

all this from fire crackers lolol. From abuse to bullying, every homeless person I've met have been alkes , junkies , foreign invaders scrounging outside banks or shops, and after seeing them getting money they only went and bought more booze, the Romanian please sir no money, and I said have you got no money? To which they reply no then I said how did you afford to get here then? They just grin, says it all really. Never mind the house she was getting of the dole which she was subletting to her own for 100 quid a week per room which they trashed when they got found out.
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  On 17/09/2014 at 08:00, Brigzy said:

I'd call throwing fire crackers at someone less able and less fortunate than yourself bullying; cowardly, gutless,childish , moronic bullying .......

lolololol. All too serious in here aren't we? All bleeding heart liberals, I haven't even done it lol. But where's your sense of humour? Fire crackers ain't Gona hurt nobody. Unless he's eating them. Me personally I wouldn't want a trampy pish bag wineo hanging round my place. But for all that don't mind them ask them this question, are you happy living like this? If not ask them what they're doing to try n get out of the situation? See if they're even trying to help themselves
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  On 17/09/2014 at 07:52, Ggib said:


  On 17/09/2014 at 07:00, gnasher16 said:


  On 16/09/2014 at 22:58, Ggib said:

I know plenty about bad luck. But my motto is you can mope about feeling all sorry and depressed, or you get up of your ass and do something about it, and I know about PTSD and that's what I ment by people not right in the head. They need professional help, a person living homeless for years is a moper otherwise they would have changed it, unless a natural disaster or circumstances dictates otherwise.

" they need professional help " you say.................i agree.


What they dont need is some gutless small minded f****n idiot walking past giving them a sly dig " because they can "


Bullying is what most folk call it and nobody likes a bully.

all this from fire crackers lolol. From abuse to bullying, every homeless person I've met have been alkes , junkies , foreign invaders scrounging outside banks or shops, and after seeing them getting money they only went and bought more booze, the Romanian please sir no money, and I said have you got no money? To which they reply no then I said how did you afford to get here then? They just grin, says it all really. Never mind the house she was getting of the dole which she was subletting to her own for 100 quid a week per room which they trashed when they got found out.



So what are you then the urban cardboard box police ?.....what business is it of yours why someone has no money if you was to get a smack round the chops for being a saucy c**t youd probably jump all over them wouldnt you but whos in the right and whos in the wrong !!........with an attitude like yours maybe you should worry more about your own survival than other peoples ;)

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I was chatting to a women that works for a homeless charity in London . She told me that you only have to be registered homeless for two or three days and you can get a roof over you're head. My cousin also does a soup kitchen around the strand and chats to a lot of homeless and he says that you do get ex servicemen homeless but in the same breath you do get a lot just saying they are, as people are more likely to part with money to a soldier. For me the Romanians take begging to a whole new level , walking along on crutches with one leg twisted right in and shaking like they've got Parkinson's holding a cup out.

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