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Homeless Guy

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i dont feel the need to suck anything matey and most do have a drink or drug problem and some dont and some dont choose that way of life but what gives you the right to abuse them why because you come across them when your out and you feel there weaker or beneath you like i said you sound a prick

its got eff all to do with being weaker than me, it's called a prank who mentioned abuse? Too quick to talk shite and make someone a victim ya ballroot , most of them have the problem of 2 hands and only one mouth.

So you find some poor f****r that's in such a bad enough situation where he has to live rough and beg for money to eat and find a quiet place to try and get his head down out of the weather and you think throwing a fire cracker at him is a prank ... f***ing grow up fella ........

if they don't go for help they can't cry foul, If they drink all the money they get they can't cry foul, unless they're not right in the head, why do they choose to live rough them days are long over why not go to a church, unless he's on the run, why sleep cold n damp when you can get heat and a warm meal for free and even a bed. These homeless ones who have been homeless for years shows you what?

You really are a naive young lad ..........

not really socks, a person living rough for years shows you that they want that life, or else they would have got a job to better themselves and make sure it didn't happen again, most do it because it's easier to beg get a few quid then bolt to the offies, why? Because people is handing them money every day to do it. Granted everybody can fall, but how graceful you pick yourself up again is what counts
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my oul fella always told me .only time you look down on somebody is when yer giving them a hand up.

Had a local lad that used to hang about around asda, used to ask to take the trolley's back and keep the pound. A lot of people took the piss and he was well known by the community but never caused an

A PET TRAMP ... That is another human you are talking about ...........

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GGibb not every one living on the streets or homeless is an alcoholic. There are many reasons why people become homeless, if I were to hazard a guess I would say a lot of the reasons were purely circumstance. I ended up living in a barn for a couple of months when I was younger, I was lucky I still had a job to go to every day.


Some are not that fortunate, especially ex service men who have problems, some with PTSD and cannot adjust to normal life.


There is an old saying and I think it has been mentioned in this thread. "There but for the grace of god go I" you would do well to think about that. A bit of bad luck, a change in circumstances beyond your control and that could be you.



Edited by tiercel
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i dont feel the need to suck anything matey and most do have a drink or drug problem and some dont and some dont choose that way of life but what gives you the right to abuse them why because you come across them when your out and you feel there weaker or beneath you like i said you sound a prick

its got eff all to do with being weaker than me, it's called a prank who mentioned abuse? Too quick to talk shite and make someone a victim ya ballroot , most of them have the problem of 2 hands and only one mouth.
So you find some poor f****r that's in such a bad enough situation where he has to live rough and beg for money to eat and find a quiet place to try and get his head down out of the weather and you think throwing a fire cracker at him is a prank ... f***ing grow up fella ........
if they don't go for help they can't cry foul, If they drink all the money they get they can't cry foul, unless they're not right in the head, why do they choose to live rough them days are long over why not go to a church, unless he's on the run, why sleep cold n damp when you can get heat and a warm meal for free and even a bed. These homeless ones who have been homeless for years shows you what?
You really are a naive young lad ..........
not really socks, a person living rough for years shows you that they want that life, or else they would have got a job to better themselves and make sure it didn't happen again, most do it because it's easier to beg get a few quid then bolt to the offies, why? Because people is handing them money every day to do it. Granted everybody can fall, but how graceful you pick yourself up again is what counts
As I said you are a naive young lad ...... Just to add why not spend a fiver on a hot brew and a bacon butty and sit down with the fella for a bit of a chinwag you might be surprised and humbled as to why he is in the state he is .........
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I know plenty about bad luck. But my motto is you can mope about feeling all sorry and depressed, or you get up of your ass and do something about it, and I know about PTSD and that's what I ment by people not right in the head. They need professional help, a person living homeless for years is a moper otherwise they would have changed it, unless a natural disaster or circumstances dictates otherwise.

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I know plenty about bad luck. But my motto is you can mope about feeling all sorry and depressed, or you get up of your ass and do something about it, and I know about PTSD and that's what I ment by people not right in the head. They need professional help, a person living homeless for years is a moper otherwise they would have changed it, unless a natural disaster or circumstances dictates otherwise.

Tell me what do you know about PTSD ??? .........

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I know plenty about bad luck. But my motto is you can mope about feeling all sorry and depressed, or you get up of your ass and do something about it, and I know about PTSD and that's what I ment by people not right in the head. They need professional help, a person living homeless for years is a moper otherwise they would have changed it, unless a natural disaster or circumstances dictates otherwise.

Tell me what do you know about PTSD ??? .........

not on an open forum,
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As I thought f**k all ..........

lolololol, the usuall playground tactics, you may not mind people knowing your john Rambo escapades, but I don't want my private life all over the net where certain eyes that shouldn't see it do.
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As I thought f**k all ..........

lolololol, the usuall playground tactics, you may not mind people knowing your john Rambo escapades, but I don't want my private life all over the net where certain eyes that shouldn't see it do.

Lol I have never mentioned any of my 'John Rambo escapades' on here young man but you have just drawn all the attention to yourself that you didn't want to draw to yourself with that last statement ........

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As I thought f**k all ..........

lolololol, the usuall playground tactics, you may not mind people knowing your john Rambo escapades, but I don't want my private life all over the net where certain eyes that shouldn't see it do.

Lol I have never mentioned any of my 'John Rambo escapades' on here young man but you have just drawn all the attention to yourself that you didn't want to draw to yourself with that last statement ........

like what? I'm not in hm forces, I'm no anti, I'm no spy. I just don't feel the need to blurt out my life story to strangers on the net. Lol. Don't try n twist things socks lolol
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Some lads on the streets especially ex soldiers are too proud to ask for help and they have PTSD due to things they have seen and done.Yes they need professional help but won't ask for it and they prefer to do things their own way.If I were you I would be very careful who you play pranks on some of them are quite capable of ripping your face off.They don't all have drink or drug problems they have other problems which I wouldn't like to have.I know a couple and when I see them in town I always buy them a meal and a brew

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Some lads on the streets especially ex soldiers are too proud to ask for help and they have PTSD due to things they have seen and done.Yes they need professional help but won't ask for it and they prefer to do things their own way.If I were you I would be very careful who you play pranks on some of them are quite capable of ripping your face off.They don't all have drink or drug problems they have other problems which I wouldn't like to have.I know a couple and when I see them in town I always buy them a meal and a brew


ive got nothing against hm forces, remember soldiers aren't the only people that suffer with PTSD
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Ggib sure some do drink. Thing is though people cope with things in different ways. Not everyone can be as strong minded, were not machines. You don't have a clue what's gone on in their life so not really your place to judge. I live with a piss head so I'm the last person to normally stand up for one. Fact is though they aren't all pisshead and even the ones who are probably have more reason than most who have addictions. Not saying to go become a saint and try save the world. Just the idea of setting of fire crackers or whatever on someone is what is expect from an immature idiot. If you got spotted doing that around my way and wasn't a kid you'd get a slap if me or any of my mates saw it.

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