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The Voice Of The Moderate Muslim.......

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Muslims HAVE to believe EVERY SINGLE WORD of the Quran, no ifs no buts EVERY SINGLE WORD, the Quran is the unalterable words of Allah for all time, so if a Muslim doesn't want Islam to rule the world that takes them out of the fold of islam


Pish-wash...and you people say that they're brain washed :wallbash:


There are Christian fundamentalists that interpret the bible literally (loads in the US by the way). The wider Christian community generally regard them as nutcases.

I bet muslims are the same. They don't all want to kill us. Most are happy to rub along with us with nobody bothering nobody. Published today on a UK Asian website;


Young Muslims, have launched a social media campaign against ISIS using #notinmyname, to register their rejection of the group’s actions.

The campaign has been led by East London based charity Active Change Foundation.

Hanif Qadir, founder of Active Change Foundation, said: “Young British Muslims are sick and tired of the hate-filled propaganda the terrorists ISIS and their supporters churn out on social media. They are angry that the criminals are using the platforms to radicalise young people and spread their poisonous words of violence in the name of Islam. "#notinmyname has been launched by young people for young people to reclaim social media from the terrorists and to speak with one united voice against them. "We hope, in the coming days and weeks, that more and more people will join the campaign and register their voices to send a clear message to ISIS – not in my name will you kill, not in my name will you rape, not in my name will you enslave others and not in my name will you do all of this in the name of Islam.”




Are these the people that are coming to get us???

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Thats because you live in jock land that is mostly still green and your towns mostly still white......I'll swap you for 2 weeks in Blackburn....then you will know what fecking doom is pal

I need to answer this in two parts,   Is Islam a moderate religion absolutely 100% not, it is a very cruel, oppressive   Are there some moderate Muslims living in the UK of course there are but t

Anyone and i mean anyone who think's the Muslim communities are misunderstood then i've a proposition for you. Come to mine and i'll take you on a 5 minute drive. I'll drop you off in a Muslim Communi

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Muslims HAVE to believe EVERY SINGLE WORD of the Quran, no ifs no buts EVERY SINGLE WORD, the Quran is the unalterable words of Allah for all time, so if a Muslim doesn't want Islam to rule the world that takes them out of the fold of islam


Pish-wash...and you people say that they're brain washed :wallbash:





Ignorant dhimni, go to any mosque in the uk and ask if my statement above is incorrect

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Muslims HAVE to believe EVERY SINGLE WORD of the Quran, no ifs no buts EVERY SINGLE WORD, the Quran is the unalterable words of Allah for all time, so if a Muslim doesn't want Islam to rule the world that takes them out of the fold of islam


Pish-wash...and you people say that they're brain washed :wallbash:





Ignorant dhimni, go to any mosque in the uk and ask if my statement above is incorrect


My guess is there'll be as many muslims in the world 'out of the fold of Islam' as there are Christians who live their lives habitually breaking some of the ten commandments. I know muslims, and they don't give me any reason to believe that they want to, or are plotting behind my back to, rule the world.

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Pesky, have you heard of taqiyya ?


So there's "some" POOR practitioners of Islam ,what does that prove about Islam ? nothing.


Take Turkey or Lebanon as examples, during Islam's "takeover" did the good Muslims jump into defend the persecuted Christians from rape or murder? No


Mohammad in Mecca was peaceful & tolerant and never killed anyone, though he was plotting against everyone, when he moved to Medina he became more powerful and a politician. Then the message changed to murder and rape, Even his dying words were to hurt Jews, Christians and all Kafirs. Muslims are to pattern their life on him ... the sunna .


Good Muslims still want their discriminatory sharia law, which they will impose on everyone once there's enough of them...


Islam is designed to annihilate all Kafir nations.

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Pesky, have you heard of taqiyya ?


So there's "some" POOR practitioners of Islam ,what does that prove about Islam ? nothing.


Take Turkey or Lebanon as examples, during Islam's "takeover" did the good Muslims jump into defend the persecuted Christians from rape or murder? No


Mohammad in Mecca was peaceful & tolerant and never killed anyone, though he was plotting against everyone, when he moved to Medina he became more powerful and a politician. Then the message changed to murder and rape, Even his dying words were to hurt Jews, Christians and all Kafirs. Muslims are to pattern their life on him ... the sunna .


Good Muslims still want their discriminatory sharia law, which they will impose on everyone once there's enough of them...


Islam is designed to annihilate all Kafir nations.

Ancient history... it has little meaning now. The world is changing at a rapid rate....with mass migration, resulting in cultures & creeds becoming mixed and diluted. And what's more, there's no stopping it now either, even King Canute would be able to see that.

Most traditional religion is caught in a bit of a time warp. They want to stick by tradition but are being forced to make compromise to survive. Look at Christianity and how the CoE is fire fighting issues on women clergy, homosexuality etc. The catholic church are trying harder not to cave but will have to compromise fundamental ideals, or in the end all the people will eventually turn away.

To me Islam is not there yet, in this or any other developed country yet, but it will be. The old guard will die out and be replaced with a much more moderate approach & interpretation of the Koran. It's adapt to survive...., and young muslims know it. Attitudes to arranged marriage and the treatment of women etc. will change. I think in the end we'll change them more than they'll change us.


Edited to say JMHO...although I'll no doubt be pilloried as some sort of apologist.


Edited again to say I'm off out with the dog, so chat amongst yourselves...and don't miss me too much. Cheers, Pesky

Edited by pesky1972
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I really wish you were right mate, but your not .


Reform sounds great ,like Christianity and Judaism experienced but its impossible to reform Islam ,because it was designed so it could not be reformed or changed.

The Koran is perfect, complete and universal . How do you reform perfection ? Why would Muslims want to improve perfection ?


Islam will never eliminate the one concept that has brought it success JIHAD .The violence, pressure ,arguments and demands are not going to stop because they have worked for 1400 years and are working better today than any time in the past.


Young Muslims today are far more radical, than their parents,


I wouldn't say Lebanon and Iran in the 1970's or Nigeria today are ancient history ?

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Sorry but I kind of agree with the above post. I had spoke to him more than once just as we was curious when passing the tents. Bloke came across as if he was abit of a nut case. I'm sure he had good intentions though. What did he actually achieve? Do you think tony Blair gave two fucks about him? Bet he doesn't even cross blairs mind when his charging god knows what to talk about peace lol.

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I really wish you were right mate, but your not .


Reform sounds great ,like Christianity and Judaism experienced but its impossible to reform Islam ,because it was designed so it could not be reformed or changed.

The Koran is perfect, complete and universal . How do you reform perfection ? Why would Muslims want to improve perfection ?


Islam will never eliminate the one concept that has brought it success JIHAD .The violence, pressure ,arguments and demands are not going to stop because they have worked for 1400 years and are working better today than any time in the past.


Young Muslims today are far more radical, than their parents,


I wouldn't say Lebanon and Iran in the 1970's or Nigeria today are ancient history ?


Its a fair bet mohammed never wrote the koran mate, the oldest koran dates from 400 years after mohammed supposedly lived, like jesus there's no hard evidence this character ever existed, that don't matter one bit though because muslims believe he did and follow him to the letter. Islams success isn't because of "jihad" the simple truth is its sexually deviant teachings appeal to men, 4 wives, sex with children, total obedience from women...ect ..ect. The scary thing is islam seldom fails to conquer a country it sets out to gain, maybe that says a lot about mens mentality? Unless we totally rid ourselves of muslims/islam its a matter of time, simple as that. You'd have to be deaf dumb and blind to not notice the change in attitude towards islam lately, the elite are swaying opinion against islam/muslims, maybe they've served their purpose for now. Interesting times :hmm:

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the simple truth is its sexually deviant teachings appeal to men, 4 wives, sex with children, total obedience from women...ect ..ect. The scary thing is islam seldom fails to conquer a country it sets out to gain, maybe that says a lot about mens mentality?



Well mate; I’m a man, and I don’t want 4 wives, or sex with children, or total obedience from women (I’ll plead the 5th on the sexually deviancy ;) ) and I don’t want a government who kowtows to people who do. And I have a vote!


Your right; interesting times – especially come next general election.

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Mohammad didn't write the Koran as he was illiterate.


I will admit that rapists, paedophiles, wife beaters, and violence junkies, are attracted to the religion because that's allowed .


But I'll repeat Islam's only success was through jihad, muhammad preached the religion of Islam for 13 year in mecca and got only 150 followers then he moved to medina where he turned to jihad and gained 10,000 followers per year and when he died ever Arab was a Muslim = peace failed, jihad was an overwhelming success.


If when you say Islam fails to conquer countries ,you mean a "good parasite doesn't kill its host", then we agree .

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Not at all old chap, and you are correct it has nothing to do with independence, what I am merely trying to get over to you is the fact that 1) in bonny Scotland, at the moment it is easy for you to be all liberal and tolerant, as it does not effect you YET, but it will, trust me it will :yes: and as for calling us cowards, it is easy to sit there behind your computer screen, saying you will be "the first into them" but when successive governments hell bent on 2) race replacement in this country, and pandering to their every wish and whim, protect them with the full force of the law, over the indigenous English people, well to be the "first into them" would mean 3) loss of liberty, family, and everything you hold dear, then perhaps you can see why people have held back for so long, while our children have been brainwashed with political correctness bullshit, theirs have been brought up to despise us and long for the day they take over, believe me my 4) Jock friend we are not cowards, the English take a long time to mobilise to war but when we do, oh my are we good at it :thumbs:

Couple of points CC...

1) Not right up on the stats but I believe in England you have about 3x the % muslims per head of populus, about 5% to our 1.5%. In my street it's definitely more than 5% asian...so don't make out it's a huge difference because it's not.

2) Apparently they're not a race but a religion, too much of your hand again racist.

3) You're apparently up against a foe who'll gladly give up his life for his beliefs and you're worried about a stretch in a British jail....hmmm, I see only one outcome here.

4) Never for a minute suggested that all the English are cowards, there's many a brave Englishman and I genuinely have respect for them all. Just that they don't don't do their fighting on a website forum.


Ever ask yourself why there's such a high concentration of these foreign invaders in the likes of the Midlands, South Yorks etc.? Maybe the 'indigenous English' there didn't have the backbone to stop them in their tracks....probably too busy whining to their mates about it on THL :thumbs:


Too much of my hand against racist? I assume you mean I am being racist, well please enlighten me to one overtly racist comment I have made? I wait with anticipation of you Scots "stopping them in their tracks" its easier said than done, when we have been lied to by the traitors in government for so long.

I really dont think you have a clue about what is happening here, and as for doing their fighting on a website, all I will say is do you not expect people to discuss issues (immotive ones) on a general topic forum? if the time to fight comes along, dont worry, there will be plenty of "brave" Englisc lads ready to do their bit :yes:

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