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Still Struggling

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Still struggling with recall on my pup tried everything she just finds everything more exciting with me she chases anything that moves and she will not give in hunting up all time feel like a proper plank when walking dog at the park and she is just completely blanking you like she is deff is it just her age she nearly 11 months or is it me feel so frustrated feel like giving her a good smack sometimes

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Leash it,how long the leash needs to be is up to the dog,id make sure its recall is undertaken away from other influences,especially a park.Id take it to a place that restricted the dogs movement,an alleyway etc,especially one that's blocked so the mutt as to come back in your direction,initially,then allow the dog the freedom its recall warrants.

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Do some basic training nothing over the the top, teach the down postion, worked for me, also scan fields parks for anything that is likely to interest your dog put it on the lead, you could also attach a rope to your lead, keep it slack when the dogs showing interest call it to you, if it does'nt respond, call it again and give the rope a slight jerk and let it go back to slack, if the dog tries to run off jerk the lead quite hard and give the comand come dont drag the dog in to you keep the tension off and call it in when it responds give it lots of praise and a treat ,keep it up for a couple of weeks later on taking it to places were you know theres going to be distractions, when you know you can trust it let it off but not to much distance from you and call it in gradually putting a bit of distance between you.

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