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What Amp Fuse?

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My lamp has given up the ghost. Having taken the lamp apart and the bulb out, it's none of those. The male cigarette lighter attachment has seen better days. The negative wire has broken right by where it's soldered on and my soldering skills are non-existent to the point i don't even have a soldering iron.


Easy - cut the plug off and buy a new one ready wired and soldered and use a terminal block. Only thing is some are advertised as no fuse, some as 5a and some as 10a.


What one do I need for a 100w bulb?



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12v, 100w - 12÷100 = 8.33333 so a 10 amp fuse will cover it.


Always use the connection blocks for lawnmowers myself. Clean, strong and waterproof but takes less pressure than the wire so should come out before the wire breaks inside anything


Cheers. i was thinking of going that route myself, but then i won't be able to plug the lamp into the car if i need to. 10a it is then. :thumbs:

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12v, 100w - 12÷100 = 8.33333 so a 10 amp fuse will cover it.

Always use the connection blocks for lawnmowers myself. Clean, strong and waterproof but takes less pressure than the wire so should come out before the wire breaks inside anything

Your sum is the wrong way round 12÷100 = 0.12 .... :laugh::thumbs:

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Get something cheap like to phone charger cut the phone connection with put another box on that an have one on your battery, what we always did. Well truth be told we wired connectors in to the cab and on to the back of the truck so could just plug the lamps inside, outside an into the batteries

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Fuse and connector are just more things to go wrong. Cut them both off and crimp spade connectors to the two wires and push them directly on to the battery.

spades are just another thing to go wrong and pull off, buy a battery with bolts on the terminals and wire it that way :laugh:

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