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A Few Hours With My Princess.

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Well last week I took my little lad fishing so this week was his sisters turn. Got her set up on the whip to get her used to striking and she was into fish from the start, though they were only gudgeon and roach she was kept quite busy. She done really well considering she's never fished before and as with the lad last week I got her on the rod and almost straight away was into some carp which she handled really well. Looks like I've got 2 young uns who enjoy a bit of fishing. :thumbs:


I done a bit of fishing in between learning Lexie the ropes, I was fishing on the banded pellet on the method and was steadily catching most of the day, nothing really to write home about though I did catch a 9lber.


A few pics of our day.






























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Good to see :thumbs:, beats sitting at a console hands down.

Was looking at some photos of my lad the the other day. He must have been about 3 when he caught his first roach. Found one of him holding a near 4lb bream when he was 9 or 10, I let him have a day off school for the glorious 16th June :laugh: . Apparently you get hung, drawn and quartered for doing that now.

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What a cracking day out, but it has left me wondering who will remember it the most you or her? Willing to bet it will be you, I can still remember the first time I took my boy ferreting like it was yesterday and that was nearly 30 years ago.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Looks like she enjoyed that mate. I love it when my young un comes with me

From small fish on the canal to carp and bream on a commercial





The smile says it all


So does this face after a flick of the tail and it was gone lol

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