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Hornet Reloading Query.

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Another problem !!!

Just set up my reloading rig and was de-priming some cases (.22 Hornet, once fired Hornady cases).

After about a dozen cases the pin of the de-primer jammed in the case and became detached from the die, leaving it (the pin) stuck in the flash hole in the case and protruding through it so the case will not come out of the shell holder.

I know tomorrow I can get it out at work but will it fit back into the die ? (Lee die). On close inspection of the cases I saw that some of the flash holes were not central in the primer pocket, presumably this is what caused the jam.

Anyone had this with Hornady cases before ?

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I checked all the Hornady cases I managed to de-cap and a lot had holes off centre and also too small to accept the die pin. The pin was definitly jamming in the hole.


After fixing the pin I de-caped some Remington and their holes were fine. It's a bummer as I bought quite a quantity of Hornady ammo meaning to reload and now can't even de-cap them safely. I suppose i could make a hand punch and pop them out by hand. I was wondering about using a drill to resize the holes so that the Lee die will work next time - of course, taking care not to oversize them!

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You could try mate, but as frustrating as it is (and sadly costly) I would be tempted to bin them and start with some decent brass, Privi cases are decent quality, but quite thick, so if you use them start your loads at minimum and work up, as the case capacity will be reduced, Winchester brass is ok for hornet reloading, never used Remington as I have never liked Remington ammo, I would be tempted to buy a 100 cases from Kranks etc and start with a good sound base.

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Well, a box of new brass won;t break the bank.


I did make a tool to de-cap individually by hand, it works quite well, locating the hole from inside before tapping it but is rather tedious. I suppose i can reuse the Hornady brass as long as I keep it seperate and don't try and run it through the die.






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