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Ian Paisley Dead

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Just need Gerry Adams ,,,and Martin mcginus now

I was in the republic for the day yesterday and funny enough the subject of the peace process and the violence came up........the lad I was cutting about with just thought all the violence was bollock

It runs deep and outsiders will always find it hard to understand.......the gun seems to be going out of Irish politics thankfully now it seems My bet is that most of the violence still going has mor

funny that was during the troubles when protestant majority usually won the vote, when tensions were high with "them or us" attitude. but your right,

he was turfed from the dup because he mellowed in the end, to be honest I think sinn fein, dup and the likes took big pay packets to nip it on the bud. was a dirty conflict and I hope my waynes never see it raise its head again.

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There's been more than enough ,back handers on both sides throughout the troubles ,and before,

There's beliefs that folk feel strong about but $¥£ will always find a way to corrupt all but the staunchest,and a bullet from 'comrades' usually sort them

Edited by roybo
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glad theres some peace at the min but paisley hated catholics plain an simple,look at his protest years ago he despised catholics that much he busted a u.n meeting years ago while pope john paul was giving a speech,hw was calling him the antichrist lol mad video


he was a c**t all we wanted was equality with protestants civil rights.catholics were treated like vermin by prods an still are theyve been ........... by the likes of paisley if we didnt have irish republican army back then they prob would have left us to rot an die.

an the prods still hate catholics its not there fault tho it was there leaders that poisoned there mind against catholics when it was our f***ing country they took of us

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glad theres some peace at the min but paisley hated catholics plain an simple,look at his protest years ago he despised catholics that much he busted a u.n meeting years ago while pope john paul was giving a speech,hw was calling him the antichrist lol mad video


he was a c**t all we wanted was equality with protestants civil rights.catholics were treated like vermin by prods an still are theyve been ........... by the likes of paisley if we didnt have irish republican army back then they prob would have left us to rot an die.

an the prods still hate catholics its not there fault tho it was there leaders that poisoned there mind against catholics when it was our f***ing country they took of us


I'm sure some of the IRA actions like bombings and shootings might have had something to do with the Anti-Catholic feelings as well, it's not always black and white.


Just like the RUC and UDA actions cased lots of hate for the Protestants.

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sorry if im mistaken but the ruc an udr are prods.

ireland is irish an always will be not british

Sorry to burst your bubble Frazzers but there has always been Irish men swelling the ranks of the British forces including the RUC & UDR(foreign service) and now the PSNI.

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