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'gem' Its Great Watching Pups

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The pup and fly were battling it out this morning. Gem is very confident, she's already jumping our 4ft back gate which is a nightmare because we live on the main road. Im going camping next week near Whitby, will be good to get them on beach everyday. Get some fitness into fly as well.


I did begin to call her Bonnie, until I told TOMO and I find out his pup is called Bonnie. So i changed it to GEM incase we go out together in the future.

Edited by REW
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nice vid, and nice dog +pup, but fook me that road would worry me , I had little whippet killed on a road outside my house.if it was me put higher fence up 4-5ft , the pup only got to see something on the other side of road ,and that it :blink: not so bad with mature dog, but deff not a pup, ive got 5ft gate in front of my house and my 2 never try to jump it, even both can get over 5bar gate easy, but if saw a cat they would go and deff Buck would , just a thought mate . :thumbs:

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It does worry me. I have found my old bitch crossing that road numerous times and it always seems to be on her return that I catch her. I have to run out into road and stop the traffic. I don't know how she hasn't been killed yet. I am very careful these days and I never take my eyes of them. My dad says the same thing about the fence situation but we have a good size garden for them to play on so I just take advantage of it.

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Thanks northernlite, morning walk today and GEM found a dead rabbit. Probabley been dead a day and the birds had already started eating it. Good nose on the pup first of all for finding it on some scrubby field, she did begin to bring it back to me but got a taste for blood and started eating it instead. Her retrieving with the tennis ball is brilliant though and she even had a walk through a sheep field. Its great watching them take everything in.


On our way back home I collected a bag of fish heads and she had fresh fish for the first time. So much better than tuna.


Cant wait to start her ferreting in the winter.

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  On 12/09/2014 at 20:29, REW said:

you lot will give me bad luck

its not so much the bad luck mate, its what (can) happen very easy from that vid, I fookin hate to hear the pup got hit by a motor, I told you I had whippet killed outside my house, I hate to happen to you mate , put a bigger fence up your pup will get more adventures .and you carnt watch it all the while :yes:

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