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Hello all,, I've just singed up to this site and haven't owed a air gun for around 20+ years and Within that time of not owning one haven't really been taking much notice of the laws around this sport. From reading up on some stuff lately it seems that things have gotton a lot tougher than just popping to local woods on a weekend with your mates , finding a nice secluded area and plinking a few targets throughout the day have gone without getting your collar felt so to speak . I am currently considering purchasing the wheirauch hw 45 .177 pistol for some sport. But on the other hand don't want to waste my money due to not getting the full benifit of the gun by not having many places to shoot it within the law. I live in the sunderland area. Is there any recommendation where I can shoot with this gun , plus any feedback on the gun itself would be appreciated. Thanks .

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