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Where Do I Stand? ?

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get rid of the bull x,30seconds to kill a cat ffs

you could of took the heat off the dogs by raping the cat she wouldn't worry about the dogs then.

Punch her in the face lol nuffin worry about mate

Simple. The vet knew fine well that cat was going to die and tried to pull a stroke on the owner or knowing you were Gona nip round to apologise they are money extortionists, tell them you don't ave that money as your kids barely get fed as it is and you can't let them starve because of a cat gone feral killing poor defenseless uk songbirds, tell them your sorry and that you weren't out to harm any animal as your dogs are from animal shelters lol.

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Expensive cat, much loved family member. Yet they just open the front door and let them f**k off for the day. It's bullshit.


I would of gone round and apologised same as you have but as for paying half of a vets bill I would tell them to sing for it.


If I let my dog out to wander around and it came to some harm then the only person I would be blaming is myself.


I don't know where you stand with the law. Were the dogs out of control in a public place? What would of happened if the cat was being walked on a lead by the owner in the same spot?

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I was walking them on the same footpath that I have for the last 5 years. This path is on the edge of a grazing field next to a wood. The cat was in the field next to the wood. Probably stalking some bird or something. like I said to the mrs. 1st if the cat was worth that much why wasn't it insured. 2nd why was it just wondering about doing its own thing unattended. 3rd why was it taken vets if he couldn't afford a bill. Cos if I didn't go round he'd be having to pay that his self.

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dont pay the whole bill, apart from the money itself that could be seen as an admission of guilt. offer a contribution as a goodwill gesture, apologise and tell them to take it or leave it. if he cant afford a vets bill, i doubt he could afford a lawyer !!

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You could tell them you will give them the normal excess an owner has to pay if an insured animal needs treatment. My excess is around £75.00. And mention it is usual to have insurance particularly for "valuable" animals. They took the risk of not having insurance which is not your fault. But I would also ask them first which vet treated the cat and check the cat was really given treatment.

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Sounds like a load of crap to me and they're trying to lay it on thick to make you pay up. Supposedly an expensive cat, but it's uninsured and they can't afford a vet bill. Howay! £500 on a cat lol, that f****r would not leave my sight!


If you do decide to pay anything get a receipt from their vet for this alleged £300, but if it was me I would apologise as you have done and offer them £30 or whatever it is for a new normal kitten.


I don't think stuff like this is covered by law in public, if your dogs went into their garden / land and did it it would be a different story but on public land it's an accident, technically. It's the chance they take when little Fluffy gets shunted out the door on a morning!!

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Tell them your dog was wretching like f**k last night you thought it was going to die, then all of a sudden it coughed up a fur ball the same colour as their cat, so they had a lucky escape as you were just on your way to the vets, so call it even steven and to f**k off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of an update folks. Had a letter in the post today..


Explaining that they are willing to go to a small claims court if the vet bill wasn't settled in full within a month from today.


If I don't pay and they take it to court they will be seeking full payment and a new fancy cat worth £250-£500 on top.

Almost £100 of vet bill is for cremation and return of ashes... Jeeesus.... solicitor required me thinks. ..

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