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New Guard Dog Law

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I guess if folks have signage all over the place '' beware of the guard dog'' your admitting your dog is '' likely '' to guard the place and could possibly bite ... most dogs will bark or get over excited if someones around .. mine do but I don't consider them '' guard dogs''


if your dog reacts to people approaching your home / property by barking or growling its classed as a guard dog & theres going to be a lot of the population seemingly all keeping guard dogs .. so let the powers that be deal with the millions of us who have dogs who let us owners know theres someone about .. its laughable at best :laugh:

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i wouldn't class a dog, stood at a gate, barking as worrying. Its just being a bloody dog! If the dogs had jumped the gate and "harassed" somebody, then I can see why they would put in a complaint.

well I think its a good thing , the amount of times ive walked past farms etc. on a public path(bridle path) and had fookin dogs from farms come out at you trying bite you , deff needs changing ei

I train my dogs so there not fighting b*****ds. If your dog came and attacked mine believe me it would be getting a boot. Some excuse that....there dogs..ffs!!!!

general lee..

I can assure you if any dog attacks my little mate ..I'll attack that..i get sick to death with fecking idiots saying it wont hurt him..if the fuckers are nasty get the twats leaded up..easy aint it..

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No problem Byron but if someone started beating my dog I would punch them square on the jaw I get sick of idiots walking right past my gate with stupid dogs being treated like kids

Well I agree with you in part, some folk do mother their dogs, their choice I suppose.


I have a terrier and a lurcher of which neither are mothered by a long shot. The terrier a JR stands at 7.5" tts typical JR thinks its bigger than actually is.


To the point my wife walks the JR same route everyday before work. Guy who has just moved in recently down the road has two very large GSD as guards and has a large property surrounded by a pitiful 3ft fence.


Two months ago they jumped the fence and had a go at the JR scared the shit out of the missus, luckily the guy was at hand, not what I would call a fair fight by a long shot. Prior to that they had already nailed a labrador, same situation woman walking her dog through a village on her own.


So after I heard this I went for a chat with the man, all went well the dogs are now chained unless he's around.


Happy days now, he says good morning now most mornings when she passes, wife seems to thinks he a pleasant enough bloke.


Maybe he is maybe he a'int, But ones things for sure he never liked being told that if his dogs ever jump that fence and hurt my wife (JR can take it chances)

i would personally club the b*stards to death and force feed him the remains.


And yes GL i would do exactly the same as you over a dog fight, let dogs sort it, but if my dog jumped a fence to bite your wife I would help you beat the b*stard and then just for good measure have it shot without a second thought

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If you read my posts you will see I said if my dog went to bite a person i would have no problems with it being hit I don't hold in with a dog biting a person but when you see these prats that take they're dogs to bed and buy them birthday presents and they come walking right to my gate to look at the funfair folk and start screaming like a murder has been committed because my dog has growled or had a scuffle with they're furry child I have no time for these people and when they kick my dog or hit it with a stick I could and have knocked over a few people for it I hate these people ITS NOT A CHILD IT'S A DOG!

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