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Antis Out In Gloucestershire Tonight

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Most of what I was going to say has already been said.


Even if nothing happens, contact the police. It needs to go on record. Secondly, get something like a Veho Muvi or other action cam. This is for up close video stuff, like if they get in your face. Secondly, a small hand digi cam, to record your vehicles before you disappear off, but also to record the people recording you. Evidence for the police. If you say they looked interested in egg collecting or nest disturbing....well that's a major no-no!


One of the local land owners did say it's illegal to use a footpath as anything other than a through route. So stopping a while is 'questionable' and people can be asked by the land owner to keep moving. Obviously more leeway is provided for old people resting their feet, kids picking blackberries and that kind of thing (although technically theft). But young healthy people should not be stopping on the path, loitering. The land owner or an agent acting with the permission or at the request of the land owner, is in their right to ask people on a public footpath to 'move along'.


The last thing you want to do is interact with them if they are anti's but if you say to them, I find your presence threatening, their response will tell a lot. Plus it'll give you evidence if you record it. But this can be a pointless risk.


One thing I'm pretty certain of, if you are recording INTO public property, I am sure that's illegal. When I did security work no camera was allowed to look beyond land that you own. Plus people could not actually record in a site if the property owner has asked them not to. So I'd probably get this looked into.


Lastly, a friend or 2 near the cars is always a massive benefit. I mean your cars of course.

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Most of what I was going to say has already been said.


Even if nothing happens, contact the police. It needs to go on record. Secondly, get something like a Veho Muvi or other action cam. This is for up close video stuff, like if they get in your face. Secondly, a small hand digi cam, to record your vehicles before you disappear off, but also to record the people recording you. Evidence for the police. If you say they looked interested in egg collecting or nest disturbing....well that's a major no-no!


One of the local land owners did say it's illegal to use a footpath as anything other than a through route. So stopping a while is 'questionable' and people can be asked by the land owner to keep moving. Obviously more leeway is provided for old people resting their feet, kids picking blackberries and that kind of thing (although technically theft). But young healthy people should not be stopping on the path, loitering. The land owner or an agent acting with the permission or at the request of the land owner, is in their right to ask people on a public footpath to 'move along'.


The last thing you want to do is interact with them if they are anti's but if you say to them, I find your presence threatening, their response will tell a lot. Plus it'll give you evidence if you record it. But this can be a pointless risk.


One thing I'm pretty certain of, if you are recording INTO public property, I am sure that's illegal. When I did security work no camera was allowed to look beyond land that you own. Plus people could not actually record in a site if the property owner has asked them not to. So I'd probably get this looked into.


Lastly, a friend or 2 near the cars is always a massive benefit. I mean your cars of course.


You can pick wild fruit to your heart's content, it can't be "stolen" unless it's for reward or onward sale ;)


Just in case an anti tries to accuse anyone of that :)

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Actually remy bolt you are quite right with recording footage of people as I work with the security industry for the MOD and if you have not requested for yourself to be recorded by that person then you are within right to have that footage handed over to you.


I'm pretty sure the rules are different for private and commercial CCTV though.


With commercial it's all covered by the Data Protection Act and there are strict signage rules etc as I'm sure you're aware.


Privately, I believe you are exempt from all the rules and can film anywhere other than deliberately pointing your camera into someone else's property. So I believe you can for example place your camera to record your front yard, even if by doing so, it looks into the street or across at neighbouring houses. What you can't do is deliberately point it focused at those houses with the intent of recording them.


So in a field where you have permission, I'm pretty sure its legal to film on that property and equally I'm pretty sure its legal for them to film the surrounding area from a public footpath. Where the line gets crossed is if they start to interefere with your activities by eg. shouting to scare game etc.


You'd have to check to be sure, but I remember some discussion about private CTTV some time ago on another websie. I can't remember which one though.

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Very good you may well be right and its been awhile since even i have used the ins and outs of the data protection act so im abit rusty with it myself as my job role has altered slightly, I think it has to do with the intention of what its there for but also filming and taking photos of mod establishments can still be subject to having the footage removed from the individual who has taken the pictures or video footage...again something for the police to deal with I think.

Edited by celticrusader
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It is just bad how these Anti's can arras us hunters!! I cannot even remember the endless amount of threads i receive via email and Facebook for marketing and being in the hunting business. I try not to get to involve in the name calling and life threatening discussions, but they just know how to trigger once buttons. Good luck to all who encounter similar things. And remember they do not have the authority to judge what we as Hunters do. So stand firm and do what we love.

All the best

Gerrit jv Vuuren

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