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Tuffty, shut the f**k up ,you f***ing stupid dumb c**t, you know f**k all about it ...STOP f***ing SWEARING ,ok son ...

A dumb what?

Touched a nerve have we mr political bullshite.

See your a scum bag just like all the political pricks out there


A lieing preaching feckwit

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f**k me theres some testosterone on here today .. :yes::yes:


I just cant stand lieing political money grabbing idiots that are selling us All up the garden path.

Well try giving us an alternative solution?

All I am hearing is bluster.


The other party's we know about and maybe UKIP will be the same, only difference is we already know for sure what to expect from the others.


Labour are traitors and the Conservatives are out of touch and ineffective.

Libdems are even worse.

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f**k me theres some testosterone on here today .. :yes::yes:


I just cant stand lieing political money grabbing idiots that are selling us All up the garden path.

Well try giving us an alternative solution?

All I am hearing is bluster.

The other party's we know about and maybe UKIP will be the same, only difference is we already know for sure what to expect from the others.

Labour are traitors and the Conservatives are out of touch and ineffective.

Libdems are even worse.

All im saying is all the political parties are the same.

They will tell you what you want to hear.


As soon as there in all the policies change.


Sorry but I do not and will never trust any of them.

There in it to line there pockets with your money for 8 of 10 years then there gone from our shores.

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Islam is the enemy here...not black white brown yellow. Islam. Pure and simple. Everyone has seen it in some shape or form. Every colour mentioned is not a problem. It's the faith they worship that's the propblem. And that problem is Islam. The sooner the Government realise that Islam is a religion that wants to take over the whole world the sooner something will be done. As it stands ...the Government haven't the backbone for fear of being labelled Racist . How the frig can you be racist towards a religion. Yu'd think being educated at Oxford and Cambridge that defining between race and religion would be in the curriculum somewhere

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Tuffty your talking pish! You can't sit on here acting like some big fuking know it all guaranteeing that anyone will do anything!! Ukip are talking about addressing the main problem this country seem to have yes the might just have there pockets lined but if they delt with our problem then I couldn't give a flying fuk!!

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Or even if they made a start on dealing with it!! Tuffty if everyone was to feel like you do then what do you suggest people do?

I said in a previous post

I did try the other year but got slapped wrists for inciting a revolution.


Im afraid its look after your own and your own castle from now mate.

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I certainly am not some big know it all cnunt.

Im an ex serviceman who is passionate about hes britishness.

I did try and do something the other year but as I said got stopped.


Im upset and distraught about how the way our country has folded because of islam.

And I cant stand orv tolerate the wankars put in charge(no matter what party)

As they do nothing but lie to get a vote.


I do apologise if I have upset some of you, but this is our England

And im standing up to be counted.

Because I love my country.

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this is just my opinion on ukip they seem to make all the right noises as did all the other parties farage just comes across as an arrogant c**t to me ...

i hope they will do something about all the shit thats going on but i just think once there in, if they get in, then it will be another load of money grabbing fuckers ...

though saying that i will still be voting for them as i think the others have had there chance ,..and we have nothing else to vote for so ukip jumped on that and say they will do this and that ..time will tell as they say hope im wrong about them and they bring the great back into GREAT BRITON ...

like i said jmo .. :thumbs::thumbs:

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