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Woman Beheaded In London

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The times is nearly upon the British people to get up and take your countries back before more public executions take place in the street, almost every one in government are ball less wimps who at the time the mussies come knocking at the door they will just roll over like scared sheep in the presence of wolves

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She would have told the feckin EU exactly where to go that's why she was pushed out for John fuuckin major tit which paved the way for Blair and his EU socialist arse licking cronies. f****n europe is

I'm glad I live in the hills where I do, there's not much in the way of employment opportunity's here but we do still have a strong sense of community. We don't suffer like a lot of the UK does with h

Cause and effect........you can trace the root back   The "labour" movement resent the so called Toffs in parliament.......the toffs come from the ruling classes and don't need any money so they act

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  On 05/09/2014 at 14:52, Kingkongsfinger said:

The times is nearly upon the British people to get up and take your countries back before more public executions take place in the street, almost every one in government are ball less wimps who at the time the mussies come knocking at the door they will just roll over like scared sheep in the presence of wolves


Where are the hordes of Britsh warriors coming from

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Say a few hundred brits said enoughs enough and started taking to them. It would only end up with them going inside not being called heros. The media would make things look bad and your sentence will be a political one. They will want to show they come down hard on all terrorism not just islamic nut cases. Can't really see it kicking off any time soon more so when the Islamic nut jobs believe they have a better chance of winning. Be alot of life's lost no doubt alot more than if it was nipped in the bud now.

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  On 05/09/2014 at 16:07, Kingkongsfinger said:


  On 05/09/2014 at 16:02, tandors said:

What has happened to europe is wholly down to non-european immigration and the welfare state in my opinion.

you are right mate worrying times ahead

This has been happening for many years now.

Those who dont live in or near london I would happily show you around.


But you will be very shocked indeed.

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No matter what the media/tv say a Country's Government does not have the best interests of its own people at heart,this is at the root of all problems. British people do not want mass immigration,multiculturalism and Foreign workers etc etc but the people we allegedly " vote " in ignore the masses and follow there own agenda according to what the "Elite/power Families want to happen. The EU is nothing more than an umbrella for us all to be under so they can impose one set of laws/rules for all of us no matter what happens. Cameron got to power on the promise of a referendum, a referendum we are still waiting for! It won't happen because they know we will bin it first chance we get .

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  On 05/09/2014 at 16:19, TUFFTY said:


  On 05/09/2014 at 16:07, Kingkongsfinger said:


  On 05/09/2014 at 16:02, tandors said:

What has happened to europe is wholly down to non-european immigration and the welfare state in my opinion.

you are right mate worrying times ahead

This has been happening for many years now.

Those who dont live in or near london I would happily show you around.

But you will be very shocked indeed.

I heard it's spot the white man?
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Cause and effect........you can trace the root back


The "labour" movement resent the so called Toffs in parliament.......the toffs come from the ruling classes and don't need any money so they actually rule in the interests of the country


The great unwashed do away with the toffs and we start paying politicians......


You get the career politician........however, the money isn't very good so you get the 3rd best of what the university's have to offer from every years crop


The welfare state is invented and after a short while they work out that far from a safety net, it can be used as a fishing net to harvest votes so keeping these very mediocre career politicians in their job


Post war, the whole of Europe catch on to the idea and they get together to manoeuvre markets and welfare so they all stay in a job


The image of the wicked mill owning toff is continually reinforced to blow smoke in front of the reality


Eventually even the so called toffs catch on to the idea


And that pretty much brings us up to the present day !!


The moral of this story is, stop believing that YOU as a citizen matter.......you don't !!

All that matters is your vote and that is easy to get with a little smoke, mirrors and money ;)

Edited by WILF
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I'm glad I live in the hills where I do, there's not much in the way of employment opportunity's here but we do still have a strong sense of community. We don't suffer like a lot of the UK does with huge influxes of foreigners and long may that continue, I really do despair at some of the things going on in this country.

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