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New Guy From Salford, Greater Manchester

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Hello my name is Paul I'm 21, most of my friends call me Bond for reasons I will eventually explaine.


I'm from the Northwest of England in Salford Greater Manchester.


I'm not new to shooting air rifles as I did it from 14 to 18 so I have had a break from it and hunting I have done with shotguns and 338 and 308 rifles with my grandad and uncles before my grandad died but lack of a FAC now restricts me to an air rifle


My rifles

Milbro Diana series 70 model 71 .22

Gamo 440 Hunter .22


Do have a dog she's an alsatian called Lady not much of a gun dog as she scared by the sound of the rifle but she likes to chase and catch ducks and bring them back alive and un injured.


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