Irish Lurcher 1,013 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 I had no intention of posting but here goes. The church over here is like the mafia, how many cases of abuse have they covered up in the past? I find it hard to take a priest seriously these days due to the high numbers of them who were involved in the abuse of our children, I don’t attend mass, nor do my children, the church has reeked havoc among our younger folk, at their height of power the church was unstoppable, they could do what they wanted at will and answer to nobody, well the tide has turned and they have very little respect from the people. When you talk of god you are also spekaing of his churches, they are both one, how do you feel about the whole abuse scandle that happened, these were men of God who carried out these vile acts?? I for one will never take mass while I am alive. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Frank Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 Irish Lurcher said: I had no intention of posting but here goes. The church over here is like the mafia, how many cases of abuse have they covered up in the past? I find it hard to take a priest seriously these days due to the high numbers of them who were involved in the abuse of our children, I don't attend mass, nor do my children, the church has reeked havoc among our younger folk, at their height of power the church was unstoppable, they could do what they wanted at will and answer to nobody, well the tide has turned and they have very little respect from the people. When you talk of god you are also spekaing of his churches, they are both one, how do you feel about the whole abuse scandle that happened, these were men of God who carried out these vile acts?? I for one will never take mass while I am alive. Sad but very true IL. Well said. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
midnight walker 8 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 i have lost a younger brother older sister and my daughter at 8 month yet junkies are still living it up i was born a catholic my school had nuns and preist teaching in it so had religion forced on me so if there is o god he has one c--t of a sence of humour Quote Link to post Share on other sites
TerrierLad 0 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 God created food chains, if we was stupid enough to swim in the sea a shark wouldnt think "shit will i go to hell if i kill this human" would he? we kill for food, weather its going to be on our table or the dogs doesnt worry me aslong as the quarry isnt wasted, if i cant possibly carry it back to the van then i like to beleive the fox got a free meal. but thats because i like to hunt rabbit, i wouldnt take a rat or fox home to eat cheers Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bitsa lurcher Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 Stabs said: I believe that Christianity is a farce and is responsible for an awful lot of persecution over the years. I believe more in leprechauns than I do in Jesus.The British people are essentially pagan and always have been, hence the need to dress Christianity up in pagan's all absolute nonsense in my opinion. What is important is faith and I would never criticise a man for his faith. The Wasteland changed it all for me when I was 17...spirituality is the essence, whatever it is. If a man believes then fair play to that man. wellsaid "stabs" i agree with you , christianity is a farce and has been forced upon people with the threat of "you will go to hell " "if you don't attend church" {and many years ago when we were burning pagan witches } these threats were used to get people into church , and then expect them to put money in the collection box, for what , to pay a pervert vicar/priest for the privelage of fiddling with the choir boys .....complete and utter disgrace christianity is not british and was brought here by romans , bloody foriegners ......that's enough ranting from me ....christianity stinks.....long live every pagan on this site and around the globe .....blessed be Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bullet 129 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 if there was such a thing of god why do so many people die of cancer? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest k9wpg Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 Crow said: The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God Sums it up for me! one of the lost gospels??? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest baldie Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 Everyone is entitled to their view on whether they believe or not, however, to openly attack, and abuse another mans religion goes too far for me. Please keep it civil, and remember you could be typing the worst insults imaginable to some of us. My Christian faith guides my entire life, whether people agree with it or not, please have a little restraint. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
SNAP SHOT 194 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 i try to treat everything with respect, and the way i would like to be treated myself...... be it animal or man i hate to see anything suffer... Now as a hunter i believe that the quarry should be dispatched as humanely as possible, as for god who know's Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Brummy 9 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 (edited) I pray every night before setting out with the dogs........... and I thank God for every catch ! Can't say fairer than that !! AMEN :angel: I say Sprags "What no KY" !! Shockingly unfair behaviour !!!! :D Edited October 19, 2007 by Brummy Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gardener 0 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 And for what its worth heres my tuppence worth...... I think 'religion' and 'spirituality' are two different things ..... religion is man-made and has often to do with control and power, spirituality is a direct link between a person and what they believe in, whatever name they give it. For me I think the American Indians summed it up - 'the earth is my mother and the spirit is my father' I know when I'm hurting I go to the earth for comfort and healing. People hurt, the earth heals. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pip Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 I too am a Christian ,in the sense that i believe that the BIBLE is GOD breathed ,if everyone lived by the 10 commandments then there would be no problems.With regards to sickness and death,well the bible says that SIN entered the world and DEATH by sin so don t blame God blame yourself ,your own sin.Yes i sit in church on a Sunday and condemn and criticise those around me in light of what i reead in the Bible thats until i look inside and think about myself,am i perfect ,am i in a position to point the finger at anyone else,NO. All i know is before i read the Bible i consumed as much drink and narcotics of every and any description and prescription i could get my hands on,then i seen that i wasn t worm food ,that God designed me and you and my dogs and my instinct to hunt for his glory and my pleasure.All i see when i look through a telescope and a microsope when i look around me when im out hunting is made by God as the overflow of his glory and goodness. Out of my friends say 20 lads and girls 5 became Christians, 1 lay dead on the street of a drug overdose for 2 days before anyone even checked him,1 blew his head of with a single barrel shotgun then another took the gun of his headless smoking body ,reloaded and put it in his own mouth and pulled the trigger,1 choked on his own vomit and died,5 hung themselves and the remainder are living lives of hell chasing addictions and have broken families in and in out of prison. I believe i wouldn t be here writing this if i hadn t found God or God found me. God killed the first animal to clothe Adam and Eve,and you can search the bible you ll find no laws against hunting in it. EVOLUTION IS THE SOURCE OF ANIMAL RIGHTS AS IT BRINGS MAN DOWN TO THE LEVEL OF ANIMALS,SO YOUR KILLING A CAUSIN.ANIMALS WHERE MADE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING CLOTHES FOOD AND OF COURSE PEST CONTROL PROTECTS OUR SOURCES OF FOOD ETC.OF COURSE GOD MADE IT FUN OR WE WOULDN T BOTHER.The patriarch Abraham used hawks and greyhound type dogs to hunt antelope on the desert plains,and he was called ,"the friend of God". "KEEP THE FAITH" Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mole catcher 1 Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 Im an AGNOSTIC, DYSLEXIC INSOMNIAC and i lay awake all night worring about the exsistance of DOG........ dont you think ive enough to worry about? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest oldskool Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 SKINNER said: NO OFFENCE AGAINST ANY ONE BUT DOES THIS BELONG ON A HUNTING FORUM !!!! I DONT BELIEVE GOD EXSISTS IF HE DOES WHY IS THERE THAT MUCH MURDER RAPE AND STARVATION IN THE WORLD????? i believe there is a god and that each and every man/woman is given the gift of free will.... if it is a mans 'Will' to carry out acts of butchery, rape and murder on his fellow man then there will be a time of judgement... i always have my questions and doubts about god but sometimes i will witness somethin like a great view or the sunrise when i was out running in the mornings and my doubts are taken back a bit... i'm certainly no angel and enjoy life, chasing ladies (not now, my girlfriend would have my nuts), drinkin etc etc... when i die and i find out that i was right and there is a god then maybe he will tolerate a fool and let me pass... but for someone who gets up to as much mischief as i do and doesnt believe in god well what will he do when his time comes and he discovers he was wrong.... he's proper f****d Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pip Posted October 19, 2007 Report Share Posted October 19, 2007 (edited) Don t shoot the messenger but the issue and problem humans have with heaven is that while we are sinners by nature and not choice,[we sin because we are sinners,we are not sinners because we sin]being born into sin ,since we inherited it[sin]from our forefather Adam.So the issue is ,heaven is a perfect place God is pure so we ,as sinfilled beings cannot go there,unless we lose our sin or pay the penalty for it[a spiritual impossibility] or accept the penalty has been paid for us by one greater than us,JESUS."He who knew no sin [jesus]became sin for us [on the cross]so that we might become the righteousness of God throughChrist.While Jesus hung on the cross God poured out his wrath ,our punishment,on his own son so that those who believe in this transaction paid in full may reap the benefits of heaven at Christs expense.The biblical doctrine of Justification simply put is" JUST IF IED"never sinned. Thats what separates biblical Christianity from all other religions on the earth,Christianity is all about what God has done for us,while every other religion is about how we can appease God through our good works,penances,prayers .sacrifices,etc.etc. For the sceptic read the bible its simple and complex but the basic truth of it is what iv e tried to describe above.It also stands up to historical ,scientific and prophetic scrutiny.Muslim scholars have been working tirelessly for 1500 years to disprove it so the simplicities of the usual so called discrepencies don t stand up .All the best in your searches So to add this effects my hunting by giving me a free conscience to hunt,to kill,or release,and to do all things knowing that God is ever present with me watching guiding.Cruelty has no place in hunting whether you bleieve in God or not. Edited October 19, 2007 by pip Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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