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Faith, God, Religion, Spirituality?

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I have a large interest in Christianity.

Being a christian, I believe that God created everything.

Now that I am into hunting I am seeing alot more of His creation.

I believe obviously that it is ok to hunt.

All animals were given as food and it is up to us to control and subdue all creation, according to the Bible.

What are fellow hunters beliefs? Do you have any? Do you see any signs of God in nature?

I am not talking about church or religious organisations here.


Feel free to give your opinions and beliefs.


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The amount of horrible shit i've seen since i've been in the army ,digging mass graves in Bosnia some bad shit in Iraq and in some ways worse stuff in Ireland i could never believe in god when you die the worms eat you thats all there is to it. :victory:

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i have an interest in this subject,i see everything as God's creations,sometimes it can affect the way i

think about hunting and in the past i enjoyed hunting more because i never thought about it too much.

Nowadays i seem to be more conscientious about this aspect,but i realise that God ALSO made hunting

animals too,so maybe God allows hunting in a natural way,if God did not plan to have animals hunted,i'm

sure he would clever enough not to create a 'hunting instinct' in both man and animals,so i now try to

see everything to do with hunting as a natural part of life!i would to hear other's views too,


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I believe that Christianity is a farce and is responsible for an awful lot of persecution over the years. I believe more in leprechauns than I do in Jesus.

The British people are essentially pagan and always have been, hence the need to dress Christianity up in pagan clothes..it's all absolute nonsense in my opinion. What is important is faith and I would never criticise a man for his faith. The Wasteland changed it all for me when I was 17...spirituality is the essence, whatever it is. If a man believes then fair play to that man.

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I do have my own beliefs and used to attend church but I believe that religion is the cause of so much grief in the world. I still have my own beliefs but hate the pompous/knowing attitude of most religious advocates regardless of religion. Me and my wife went when we were n our late 20's and were at least 40 years younger than the rest of the parish, they were old, set in their ways in did nothing but whinge and moan about people, hardly the "christian" way......God help you (literally) if you sat in THEIR spot on the pews, you'd be bitch slapped with an umberella

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I have a large interest in Christianity.

Being a christian, I believe that God created everything.

Now that I am into hunting I am seeing alot more of His creation.

I believe obviously that it is ok to hunt.

All animals were given as food and it is up to us to control and subdue all creation, according to the Bible.

What are fellow hunters beliefs? Do you have any? Do you see any signs of God in nature?

I am not talking about church or religious organisations here.


Feel free to give your opinions and beliefs.



I actually beleive the same as you :yes: , that we were created and that being around nature, outdoors etc makes you appreciate it even more. I wouldnt really say Im close to God though as I am fond of doing a lot of the stuff he doesnt approve of :drink::icon_redface::laugh: and I also like to do a bit flirting with the other fella, his old arch enemy Satan as I have found he gives you quicker results if you want something, you just have to know the right things to say to him to get what you want, but because hes down here lurking around its easier to feel his presence than God's.


Having gotten to know both of them a bit over the years (very religious mother made me study the bible back to front :icon_eek:) , I would say that to be a "pal" of God's you have to be very, very, very patient and have a lot of self control and restraint because to live your life the way he wants you to live it, abiding by every rule in the Bible is darn near impossible. Some days I think the world would be a better place if everyone did follow the guidelines in the good book, it does seem to be a manual of wisdom and morality for humans, but the place is in such a fecked up mess its really hard to be a pillar of society when society itself is totally messed up all around you, :doh: I do like to read the Bible now and then though, it does give you a nice comforting warm fuzzy feeling to know that there is a God and he cares about everything in his creation for example the bit about a sparrow falling to the ground and he knows about it, or every hair on your head being numbered, but its hard to form a REAL relationship with someone who you cant have a proper 2 way conversation with :( You can talk to him but he is not going to answer you, at least not right away and not in a voice you can hear like a human conversation and the patience and chastity and obedience thing is the bit I always have problems with, much to the disgust of the religious members of my family :laugh:

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Guest bootneck

did you hear the one about the dyslexic/agnostic/insomniac who laid awake at night wondering if dog did exist???


religion is bollox,,,,,,unless you are a f****n muslim that is =@ ,,,,i have faith in very little these days and spiritually i am at war with myself on a daily basis,,,,,,,,each to his own as long as it's not forced on another what doeas it matter......

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when you sit and watch how smart animals are at surviving and how amazing and beautiful nature is despite the crap that man does to it.I don't belive anyone can in their right mind say its evolution.

As for man, well as Ghandi noted ,if man even lived by the principles that Jesus said in the Bible we would not be in this mess.Mans selfishness and inhumanity is a simbol of their taking the easy route and excersising free will.

Thats my view.

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The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you,

Not in a mansion of wood and stone.

Split a piece of wood and God is there,

Lift a stone and you will find God


Sums it up for me!


Spot on...........


I understand the feelings of Kurgan and people who have seen stuff.........I have seen some stuff myself.........but I have come to realise that God, Spirit, religion whatever you want to call it did not commit all these terrible deeds......only men can do that.

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It could be argued that there would be a lot more if it wer'nt for God, there is also a lot of good in the world but it dos'nt make the news as much, I have always remembered Dave Allens end to his shows, "Goodnight and may YOUR God go with you."

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