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Hatsan At44 Any Owners??

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Hi all

As a few will know just bought this ....

20140901_124602.jpg 20140901_124559.jpg

A at44 10 I must say I'm pretty impressed with it took it out other night and bagged couple of bunnies its accuracy is unbelievable I wasn't impressed with the trigger at all so stripped it today cleaned up and re set the adjustment nice creep on 1st stage and a little pull on 2nd just how I like it and its now grown on me more

Any other owners on here only had it a couple of days but impressed think its a pretty new one build quality feels spot on its like tank only niggle its a bit twangy

And noisy on hammer spring anyone de twangged one of these and any other tuning done I love tinkering so if you've improved yours please let me know wasn't expecting much from it but these budget pcps seem spot on think they only 350 New !!!

Love the side leaver reload so rapid can rip 10 shots in seconds its liking AA field so far but not tried others yet

Edited by mattybugeye
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Matt it looks the biz mate ,my raider single shot has a ding noise when fired and needs a de dinging kit fitted and she would be silent .


One of the lads i go hunting with has the 10 shot raider and that has impressed me no end as to how silent and accurate it is.


As for mine, well iv had her that long she is staying the way she is the ding noise is part of her character,


And as you have seen from my hunting posts she is deadly accurate .


In my opinion she shud be up there with the best ,hw100 and so on , the raider is a very under estimated rifle .


As for the hatsan at44 iv only used one at the range and was well impress,d with that to and she had a twang to and she was new brand new,


BY THE WAY I NEW YOU WOULD GO BLACK :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:



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Cheers mac I read somewhere it's the same gun as a webley raider 10 shot going to test it on range after holiday so will test accuracy out to 45yd with a few different pellets it's not as accurate as the falcon but bloody close sounds odd but feels like it shoots flatter done really need 3 .22 guns but will decide which I like best and hang on to 2 I reckon guess no one tuned one in any way then ?

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ive got 2 of these both walnut stocked and completely reworked including stocks and both awesome guns. easy to work on and can strip completely in less than ten minutes even in the field (if you know what your doing). bit like the gunpower stealth where they get a bad name from fools who bought them messed with them when they didnt have a clue cocked them up and then oh they are sh-t because of the owners themselves messing. im sure a few tweaks here and there and you will have a nice shooting gun. enjoy thats all that matters.

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ive got 2 of these both walnut stocked and completely reworked including stocks and both awesome guns. easy to work on and can strip completely in less than ten minutes even in the field (if you know what your doing). bit like the gunpower stealth where they get a bad name from fools who bought them messed with them when they didnt have a clue cocked them up and then oh they are sh-t because of the owners themselves messing. im sure a few tweaks here and there and you will have a nice shooting gun. enjoy thats all that matters.

Why buy a Rifle if you've then got to mess around tweaking it to make the bloody thing work properly.........???


Oh and the Stealths were a big bag of shit long before anyone tried messing with them!


I mean look at it, blatantly aimed at the looneys that think they've been overlooked for sniper training by the SAS.....................LMFAO


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ive got 2 of these both walnut stocked and completely reworked including stocks and both awesome guns. easy to work on and can strip completely in less than ten minutes even in the field (if you know what your doing). bit like the gunpower stealth where they get a bad name from fools who bought them messed with them when they didnt have a clue cocked them up and then oh they are sh-t because of the owners themselves messing. im sure a few tweaks here and there and you will have a nice shooting gun. enjoy thats all that matters.

Why buy a Rifle if you've then got to mess around tweaking it to make the bloody thing work properly.........???


Oh and the Stealths were a big bag of shit long before anyone tried messing with them!


I mean look at it, blatantly aimed at the looneys that think they've been overlooked for sniper training by the SAS.....................LMFAO




ive got 2 of these both walnut stocked and completely reworked including stocks and both awesome guns. easy to work on and can strip completely in less than ten minutes even in the field (if you know what your doing). bit like the gunpower stealth where they get a bad name from fools who bought them messed with them when they didnt have a clue cocked them up and then oh they are sh-t because of the owners themselves messing. im sure a few tweaks here and there and you will have a nice shooting gun. enjoy thats all that matters.

Why buy a Rifle if you've then got to mess around tweaking it to make the bloody thing work properly.........???


Oh and the Stealths were a big bag of shit long before anyone tried messing with them!


I mean look at it, blatantly aimed at the looneys that think they've been overlooked for sniper training by the SAS.....................LMFAO



hey whats wrong with being a looney? i see my shrink most weeks as i have this problem where ive just got to reply to every thread on every forum to boost my post count so i can be the highest poster. if you dont believe me just see how many posts ive got. have a nice day and many thanks for the comments.
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