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Anyone With Cats?

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we have two cats in the hoose aswell as two lurchers, its taken abit time for the them all to get confident around each other but its finaly happened ( just aswell or me and dugs would be chucked out :D)


still taking abit getting used to leaving the house with dugs and the cats tag along.. its strange, if the oldest dug sees another cat she would be after it yet doesnt mind these two.. anyone else with cats like a good walk lol

Edited by Joe1888
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got no cats so dogs arnt used to them, and being honest mates it a fookin nightmare .My young dog Buck was ok until 6 weeks ago or something like that, he bumped into a feral cat by a wood, it got on his head all 4 feet of it, by time got to him he killed with one bite , and from that day he goes fookin nuts for them. Bryn my other dog prob just run a cat but leave it at that wouldn't grab it, but not Buck he kill them stone dead. I carnt walk down the housing estate by me as if sees any cats, he drags in to them its hard to hold back big twat like him , I have to hold his collar dead tight and try shout the cat off ,god I do with out this lot.If I ever get another dog = pup I will 100% break them to cats even if i had to buy a kitten my self :yes:

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How would getting a kitten work thou bird?? As I've know dogs to be great with your own pet rabbits / cats / rodents then like something possessed when their out and about and they see feral ect .....



On the same note if you stock-break a dog then say the dog gets attacked by either a sheep / cow / horse ect will the dog then turn in to defence mode when they see said animal and either want to kill everyone they see or keep well Clear ?

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I hate cats but I broke my pup to them using the next door neighbours cats just to save any hassle in the future.


It got tested (accidentally) yesterday when she was in the front garden and a cat ran past the drive. She didn't flinch and looked away.


Edited to add...


I know a bloke who's lurchers will sleep in the same bed as the family's cats. But once outside consider them fair game.


Strange animals. Lol

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How would getting a kitten work thou bird?? As I've know dogs to be great with your own pet rabbits / cats / rodents then like something possessed when their out and about and they see feral ect .....



On the same note if you stock-break a dog then say the dog gets attacked by either a sheep / cow / horse ect will the dog then turn in to defence mode when they see said animal and either want to kill everyone they see or keep well Clear ?

I think to be honest mate, it to late with Buck I wouldn't trust him no way, I think if I got little kitten and held on the lead and I have give him hell of a wack to stop him. that might stop in the house+my garden , but that's with me being there with him. Its is mind set it different to Bryn when he out in a field or just on the the dog walk, I could+can stop Bryn if he was on his own, but no way Buck.If I had strted when Buck was little 9 week old pup it may have worked, but he 2 year old now he switched on now . :yes:

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My pups coming on 12 month now and the daft missus thought it would be a good idea a few month ago to rescue a dumped kitten, I explained to her that between the two savage kids and the pup it probably wouldn't last a a week, boy were I wrong the kitten now sleeps with the dog on its bed! I accidently locked it in the kitchen one night and come down to them sleeping together the next morning,I can call her off a cat if she's not already right behind it she's never caught one so not sure what she'd do, wouldn't try and introduce a new cat to an untrained adult dog though.

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have one lurcher in the house if it sees a cat it tries to go through the window after it banging its head of it going mad only a matter of time till he dose scares the shit outa the women lol. but wish some time I would have broke him to cats he has got me into trouble in the past.

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My lurchers are fine with cats that my missus mum has IN the house but wouldn't trust them unsupervised with them, my old bitch would run them but that's about it, my white bitch has had one incident with a cat outside, she ended up with the old cat hat and by the time I got there (less than 10 seconds) it was dead, I was dubious after that with the mother in laws cats BUT touch wood she's not showed any interest, outside however it would be a different story.

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well tonight on my dog walk, was walking back down track seen a couple walking 2 labs, so put Buck back on the lead left Bryn of and told him to walk by me. Got about 30yds to these 2 women +2 labs , when this cat must have followed them down the lane. Bryn seen it and went flat out after it , shouted him back and stopped in his tracks right there . Thank fook it wasn't Buck loose he killed there+then , because the cat was her pet and liked dogs. it was bloody hard to see the cat at 1st as it was walking close to the hedgerow . I told the women to be careful with it ,because not all dogs are like Bryn to control, and quite few dog walkers use this lane they said they will try keep the cat away from the lane, but I think they got the message with me holding Buck tight round the collar with his 2 feet off the floor, think there were in shock looking at the big fecker :laugh: it was there pet and not fair to kill it, people pick what pets they want . :yes: jut hope to god I don't bump into them again . !lol

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