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Outdoor Set-Ups

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Hi lads, currently have my ferrets in a large 2 tier cage, but looking to build my own out door set-up, with run and sleeping area etc. I'm a carpenter by trade and can get my hands on most of the materials for free, so seems mad to buy one. Just looking for a bit of inspiration, so if anybody could put a few pics up of there set-up that would be great, kind've want to incorporate a storage area for all my nets and gear etc, any help would be appreciated. Cheers

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I built my hutch into the side wall of an old shed, holds all the gear too. maybe a shed is too much but building an outhouse type of shelter with cladding would be the dogs balls, something to keep the rain off your back when cleaning out the ferrets and something that wont be too hot when the sun hits it.

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Going to build something along these lines, got a load of timber, ply and larch cladding from work, so hopefully only have to buy the mesh. A7BE5B2E-4826-485F-8634-A38F0BFA5616.jpg

That would be perfect :D very similar to mine.I have made the run floor concrete and put a small drain in makes cleaning out simple and quick, 5 mins with a jet wash :thumbs:

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