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hey all. ive got an issue i think is well worth discussing. my deerhound has recently come down with an infection they call 'Hot Spot'. its basically a place that gets really ichy and infected, and it really frustrates the dog. its in his ear. ive been to the vets/ got medication for him. but i just was wondering if anyone out there can tell me stuff about it.

stuff like:

  • what can cause it (i do believe it was a bee sting in this case) = yeast infection
  • what i can do to prevent it happening again (perhaps clean his ear)
  • is it contageous
  • is it going to be a frequent occurence in the deery
  • should i be freaken out the way i am

you are probly gunna say 'why didnt you ask the vet'?. all ill say is the vet never explained it and i never asked. just thought id put it to ya coz one of you is bound to have had a dog or cat get it before. ill try and grab a snap of it if ya think i should although it looks pretty vial. cheers fellow hunting chaps from Holy Grail. :victory::drink::bye:

Edited by holy grail
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  holy grail said:
hey all. ive got an issue i think is well worth discussing. my deerhound has recently come down with an infection they call 'Hot Spot'. its basically a place that gets really ichy and infected, and it really frustrates the dog. its in his ear. ive been to the vets/ got medication for him. but i just was wondering if anyone out there can tell me stuff about it.

stuff like:

  • what can cause it (i do believe it was a bee sting in this case) = yeast infection
  • what i can do to prevent it happening again (perhaps clean his ear)
  • is it contageous
  • is it going to be a frequent occurence in the deery
  • should i be freaken out the way i am

you are probly gunna say 'why didnt you ask the vet'?. all ill say is the vet never explained it and i never asked. just thought id put it to ya coz one of you is bound to have had a dog or cat get it before. ill try and grab a snap of it if ya think i should although it looks pretty vial. cheers fellow hunting chaps from Holy Grail. :victory::drink::bye:

wet excema mate i usually use gention violate to dry it up and prevent any infection getting in

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