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Air Arms S510

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  On 02/09/2014 at 08:04, simjakcal said:

picking mine up this weekend,,so not much to say on it as yet !


it may help if you say what advice your after ?

Im thinking of getting one myself I was going to get a rapid 7 but I've already got one sub 12ft-lb just fancied a change

I've seen a few on YouTube but they don't tell you much I know there long but it doesn't bother me.


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aye up


I have one and find it extremely accurate, reliable and nice to shoot side lever is nice and smooth magazine indexing is great , getting one hole groups @ 50yrds and out to 70yrds can get 20p sized groups with jsb exact 18 grain pellets in 5.52, it don't half give bunny's a right thwacking my longest shot 85yrd head shot rabbit pellet went straight through so having a good backstop is very important , I would get a good second hand one as if you buy new you lose too much money as the re sale value of fac air is not as much as 12 ft lbs rifle as demand is far less.


now for the down side , you will need a moderator as the shroud does quite things down but it does make a bit of a crack if your shooting along hedges or woodland which makes it very long , I only get around 30 good accurate shots per fill but I have never run out of air while out hunting, not a big fan of the adjustable power wheel as there is no positive clicks to hold it in position so there are infinite settings so I just leave it on full .


apart from that I love mine it has accounted for many rabbits and pigeons keeping me well fed .



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cheers shergar for the review,,always good to here others thoughts..


ive just sold my s410 carbine,,and yes my thoughts on the length of the s510 xtra were of concern as I shoot out of my truck a lot for rabbits,,yet enjoy sitting about in the pheasant pens takeing out the rats ! ive gone for the walnut stock,,which happens to be less in weight than the beech s410 that ive just sold ! Ive put a slot on my fac for a mod,but will see how loud it is around where im going to be using it....could always use the mod off my hmr or my lads airgun depending on which will fit !

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  On 02/09/2014 at 20:45, shergar said:

aye up


I have one and find it extremely accurate, reliable and nice to shoot side lever is nice and smooth magazine indexing is great , getting one hole groups @ 50yrds and out to 70yrds can get 20p sized groups with jsb exact 18 grain pellets in 5.52, it don't half give bunny's a right thwacking my longest shot 85yrd head shot rabbit pellet went straight through so having a good backstop is very important , I would get a good second hand one as if you buy new you lose too much money as the re sale value of fac air is not as much as 12 ft lbs rifle as demand is far less.


now for the down side , you will need a moderator as the shroud does quite things down but it does make a bit of a crack if your shooting along hedges or woodland which makes it very long , I only get around 30 good accurate shots per fill but I have never run out of air while out hunting, not a big fan of the adjustable power wheel as there is no positive clicks to hold it in position so there are infinite settings so I just leave it on full .


apart from that I love mine it has accounted for many rabbits and pigeons keeping me well fed .



Thanks for the reply

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  On 03/09/2014 at 08:44, simjakcal said:

cheers shergar for the review,,always good to here others thoughts..


ive just sold my s410 carbine,,and yes my thoughts on the length of the s510 xtra were of concern as I shoot out of my truck a lot for rabbits,,yet enjoy sitting about in the pheasant pens takeing out the rats ! ive gone for the walnut stock,,which happens to be less in weight than the beech s410 that ive just sold ! Ive put a slot on my fac for a mod,but will see how loud it is around where im going to be using it....could always use the mod off my hmr or my lads airgun depending on which will fit !

I used to have a s410 carbine bolt action when it first come out, if you don't mind me asking how much did you give for your s510 it as I might pick one up at the midland gamefair. Cheers

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the end of the barrel has a female thread so I have the air arms moderator with the male thread on it so if you want to use another mod you may need an adaptor to make it fit.


I also invested in a 12L dive bottle as the fac are very air hungry surprising how quick you get through it.


I would try and get a good second hand one like I did , I got a full set up with scope and moderator gun bag etc for the same money as a new gun alone and only 18 month old still looks like new.


try as many different pellets as you can I first tried bisley magnums and they don't group in mine and did not index very well in the mag ether but a friends gun which is the same works a treat, I have settled on the jsb exact heavy index very smooth and stupidly accurate .



Edited by shergar
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hi,,,i was quoted £650 for the beech stock and £725 for the walnut stock..from my local gun shop...so I went for the walnut :yes:....I carnt find many other prices out there on the internet apart from on sportsman's who wont £680 for the beech stock...tbh I was expecting an extra £100 for the walnut over the beech...hope this help.....cheers

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what fill levels are you finding sweet shergar ? will pick up some of the jsb pellets to try,,did you try any others,,any to stay away from ?

I think the moderator is going to have to wait for a bit as ive spent wayyyyyy to much on guns and bits of late :yes: its been enjoyable tho :laugh:

a 3lt bottle is what I have,,my neighbour does a lot of diveing so he's back and for the dive shop each week so I just get him to keep it top'd up for me,and its half the price of my local gun shop !

cheers si :thumbs:

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to find the sweet spot I think you really need a coronagraph to be really accurate , I am a bit more agricultural and don't own one but from the bit of plinking I have done I just fill to 190 bar and from there get about 30 good shots , lets just say I don't miss much as long as I keep my end of the bargain the gun does what it does and the bunnies and pigeons keep going down, but your gun could differ depends on what pellets and power output is it could be different to mine.



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ha yes im a bit like you,,you just seamed to get the know when things are right and when its shooting good !

all going well I should be picking my s510 up after work..not sure wether ill get a go of it this eve as got to go feed pheasant and flight ponds ready for our first duck shoot tomorrow evening...yet will defo get out thru the day tomorrow with it,,,also going to have a look at a mod for it as well now....will let you know how I get on with it over the weekend...cheers

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