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dead ferret

Guest lurcherlamper

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Guest john2007oliver

I stupidly put my hob in with the jills last night why they ate a rabbit. Now ones dead. None of the other ferrets have got any injuries. The jill thats dead hasn't any cuts her skulls still in tac too. Would she have if she'd been killed by the hob or would he have left some signs? She was only a small jill and hes a pretty big hob but shes took on the biggest rat so i know she can give her fair share. So what am asking is, is it likely the hob done it ? Hes ate with them and played with them all before.

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Guest john2007oliver
I think its unlikely that the hob killed the jill mate, how old was the jill ?



As far as i know, she was either last years or the years before litter. But i only got her in december and she had been passed threw people so she could be any age really.

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Guest john2007oliver
It could be anything , the only way to rule out any condition of illness is get a pm done really, still sad to hear the news though :(



My minds at rest as long as it weren't the male that killed her. It just seemed odd as it was the first time he had slept with them. But no injuries were present so who knows?

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It could be anything , the only way to rule out any condition of illness is get a pm done really, still sad to hear the news though :(



My minds at rest as long as it weren't the male that killed her. It just seemed odd as it was the first time he had slept with them. But no injuries were present so who knows?


Well its a possibility he could have killed her, have a good look over her body

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Guest john2007oliver
It could be anything , the only way to rule out any condition of illness is get a pm done really, still sad to hear the news though :(



My minds at rest as long as it weren't the male that killed her. It just seemed odd as it was the first time he had slept with them. But no injuries were present so who knows?


Well its a possibility he could have killed her, have a good look over her body



I have done, and i couldn't find a single cut. Shes startewd going hard now so its not so easy. I would have thought she would have left him with a few scratches aswell, she may of been the smallest but she give a good go with everything and anything.

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Guest john2007oliver
Sorry to hear that mate. I doubt very much it was the hob- I'd get it checked out just incase it's something that the others may have too.



My mates died the same night too. That lives alone so no chance of been killed by another. My ferrets have never came into contact with his so no disease etc all thats left is to say they froze :thumbdown: They've been given plenty of bedding now and i've left the hob in to keep warm with each other.


thanks for the replies John

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