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Stinking Out Rabbits.

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Similar to tomo's suggestion, I've set purse nets over holes and pushed rabbits back home and had some good results.... a couple of points though.....

Set the nets with the opposite way when ferreting

Reach in and grab the netted rabbit, dont pull him out by the net strings

If the burrow is as the guy says dont bother with this method, try longnetting

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  On 01/09/2014 at 09:34, TOMO said:

There is a similar method I have herd used and again watched on a Warrener film,,,but I've not tried ,,,


Instead of stinking them out,,, you block the holes up completely an arms length down the holes,,, this needs to be done whilst there out feeding,,,then walk them in ,,a bit like longnetting,,and they go in there holes but sit in front of the blockage down the hole,,,and you pull them out.


Anybody tried this,,,sounds straightforward ,,,but I imagin it must be difficult blocking the holes with out being noticed by the rabbits

Never tried it but what id try is do it on a larger time scale of two days and leave a hole or two open. Next day they will eventually find the open hole to get out and feed then you can turn up and spook them, in the panic they wont be thinking about blocked holes and what hole they had used to leave earlier.

Edited by GreyRake
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