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theres loads of bible printed,words changed yes,but again I say thats mans doing for his own agenda

the old testament was wrote in hebrew,an the new testament,greek an latin

king james translated from above 3 langs into english

now mate could you show me those conflicts in luke matthew you were saying

the is a book of origins prophecy history an great science

its hard to comprehend tho it would be

book of revelation is about end times took me a wile to figure it out

god helped me to understand,i would suspect if your a non beleiver,youl not figure it out jmo

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Maybe if it was translated into modern English it might be more palatable to the younger generation. Considering it was originally written in whatever language then translated to old English, sayething anything unto anyone else, means nothing to most of us.

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Maybe if it was translated into modern English it might be more palatable to the younger generation. Considering it was originally written in whatever language then translated to old English, sayething anything unto anyone else, means nothing to most of us.

stick a bit text talk in for the halfwits

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I know a good bible story.........


A muslim died and found himself outside the Pearly Gates.

St Peter opens up and , after the initial surprise, says "I'm sorry pal, no muslims allowed in here".

The muslim, not liking the alternative to being turned away, says "But I've done many charitable things - some of them have helped Christians !"

"Like what ?" says the holy gate-keeper.

"Well" says the muslim "once the Salvation Army were collecting door-to-door and I gave them £10 to help the needy."

St Peter is unimpressed, so the muslim pipes up "Last year there was a collection for Barnado's in the High Street - I gave them £10 to help the children ! And just last week, a homeless man asked me for spare change, and I also gave him £10, surely you can reconsider ?"

St Peter says "Wait here a minute", closes the gate and disappears.A few minutes later, the gate re-opens and St Peter says "I've talked it over with God and He agrees with me - here's your thirty quid back, now f*ck off !"


(That'll be taken down !) :laugh:

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Maybe if it was translated into modern English it might be more palatable to the younger generation. Considering it was originally written in whatever language then translated to old English, sayething anything unto anyone else, means nothing to most of us.

stick a bit text talk in for the halfwits


Something like......................


And the crowd had big straps and 'ting, but Jesus, he fronts 'em up. Gets in their faces and says "Wah - gwan ? Anyone who ain't never done nuffink 'ad better hoy the first lump, innit?" The crowd is well vexed and says to each other "Yu nah summink? We ain't gonna merc da bitch - we all homies here, innit, like,yu nah - whatever ! "

And they all went back to their cribs, to chill with a little blow.............................innit ?

Edited by Blackbriar
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Maybe if it was translated into modern English it might be more palatable to the younger generation. Considering it was originally written in whatever language then translated to old English, sayething anything unto anyone else, means nothing to most of us.

stick a bit text talk in for the halfwits


Something like......................


And the crowd had big straps and 'ting, but Jesus, he fronts 'em up. Gets in their faces and says "Wah - gwan ? Anyone who ain't never done nuffink 'ad better hoy the first lump, innit?" The crowd is well vexed and says to each other "Yu nah summink? We ain't gonna merc da bitch - we all homies here, innit, like,yu nah - whatever ! "

And they all went back to their cribs, to chill with a little blow.............................innit ?


lovely verse frm jc an is 12 m8s

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My mum was very religious so i had to read it but i couldnt make head nor arse of it if i am honest and i always thought it was a load of bollocks.

true :thumbs: its written by men , so there you go :hmm::laugh:

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When reading a Bible it's important to bear in mine a few things, otherwise you may struggle to make heads or tails of it and you're likely to come to a quick conclusion that's it's just a load of nonsense, if any have done that, I would encourage you to reconsider.


The word Bible literally means 'books' or 'scrolls' it is in fact collection of 66 books, written by approximately 40 different writers. Each book is individual, take the first for example - Genesis: which means 'origins' it entails a summary of the origins of this world we live in. The second is Exodus: which means 'way out' it includes the details of how the Jews escaped from the land of Egypt. Moving to the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all written accounts of the life of Jesus, each with a different audience in mind. . I could go on and explain all the books and why they were written, but I'll spare you the torture, you get the point.


Sure it's easy to grab a verse and laugh at it, but you'll only be able to do that if you quote it without the context attached. As fundamental Christian I believe that although it was written by approximately 40 different writers, it has only 1 author - God.


Why read it? I understand those who don't feel the need to, I understand those who look at it from a point of interest or basic guidance. But to a Christian, it's our map, our guide, it tells us of who we are, what we need to do, what lays ahead for us, so much and more.


Don't draw your conclusion from a 5 minute wonder or by what others say of it, consider it carefully if you're genuinely interested.

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A friend of mine once explained to me how St Pauls Cathedral took 35 years to build by Sir Christopher Wren yet he never laid a single brick.....it was his inspiration.

Likewise the bible was written 100% by man.......God was the inspiration.

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