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first terrier

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i have a lurcher and ferrets and now thinkin of getting a terrier but dont know which would be the boy for me . i have been oferd a jack pup but dont know much about them . wat would be the best first time terrier for me please help? :hmm::)

Edited by bazz
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  outshooting said:
All terriers are great nothing better than being out with your dogs working i have a couple of JRs & they are fantastic workers.

so you think i should go for that JRT the bloke is asking eighty pound for it wat you rekon mate .thanks pm :thumbs:

Edited by bazz
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If you want a terrier to be part of a team then make sure you look at the parents carefully, preferably see them working. terriers aren't known for being pack animals but some can work really well with other dogs. Just a tip, what sex is your lurcher? Get a terrier of the opposite sex and that way you won't have some of the problems that running same sex dogs can bring when your'e mixing terriers and lurchers.

And before anyone jumps in and says that's nonsense this bloke is obviously new to the game, and unless you have loads of experience sorting out pack problems can be a nightmare for anyone that's not in the know.

Personally I'd go for a decent JRT with a good temperament and not too fiery, one whose parents are good working around other dogs: don't just go out and buy the first one available: think about it long and carefully and DO SEE THE PARENTS!

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also take into account some teriers are very yappy ie jrt also are you keeping in or out you dont want to upset the neighbours also worth looking at a patterdale they come on a bit quicker i have a border they take more time and patience good luck with your choice.

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  marko said:
also take into account some teriers are very yappy ie jrt also are you keeping in or out you dont want to upset the neighbours also worth looking at a patterdale they come on a bit quicker i have a border they take more time and patience good luck with your choice.

im not just saying it becouse i keep them but ive had lakelands and patterdales ..............and no longer have them so says it all jrt through and through for me

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  marko said:
also take into account some teriers are very yappy ie jrt also are you keeping in or out you dont want to upset the neighbours also worth looking at a patterdale they come on a bit quicker i have a border they take more time and patience good luck with your choice.



interesting comment i have 3 russells at the moment and i wouldnt class any of them as "yappy"? :thumbdown:

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my male jrt is 5 months and is yappy 90% of the time barking and trying to play fight with the others if a squirel goe's up a tree he starts jumping up it barking (more like a screetch) but he is probably the keenest dog ive had bar my old bulldog bitch he is far more intrested that my whippet and the ones iv had and is far more keen that my previous terriers (all short legged jrt's) so i think he's goin to be a good worker just a pain barking all the time and going for the other dogs he'l grow out of it i think . my bitch is the opposit no noise when she's in the kennel at all and shes only 9 weeks had her 2weeks but she is just as bad trying to nail the others (just playing tho ) but it could be bad if your other dog doesnt play fight and takes it the wrong way . i would deffo recomend a jrt but be carefull on how your dog and the pup's personalitys match if they are both same sex and want to be dominant youl have problems from go unless you watch them constantly or keep them split except form when your out .

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