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Threat Level

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What do you's reckon about the uk threat level being raised I think there's more to it than meets the eye

They normally only lift the threat if they haven't a clue what the terrorists are planning but had a good lead that something is happening or they have had ongoing OP on but have lost them ,other wise nothing would be said ,and first we would hear is the arrests

Edited by DEERMAN
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could also lead to a raft of new measures being rushed in by parliament,


The only measure they need is to ditch that silly bit of EU legislation that says that we can't make anybody 'stateless'. Suddenly the terror threat drops significantly. The EU are hardly known for their capability in dealing with terrorism, they fund most of it with their soft arse attitude to ransoms!


At least while the fuckers are in Iraq/Syria they are legitimate targets and I'd hope our government is taking every opportunity to kill them while they remain as such.

Edited by Born Hunter
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i believe they will use this increased threat level to deal with some of the problems here as well, the prime minister did say as i quoted word for word earlier "comes from the poisonous islamist extremist narrative both in IS and here in the UK"

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one thing, the police are out in force around newport today because of the threat to the NATO summit thats happening next week .

its going to be a pain in the arse for 2 days roads blocked a bunch of unwashed tramps having roads closed so they can march through town.

and with the news of a bigger threat in the news today it going to be worse ..

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Had a beer n know the Internet isn't the place for it but why aren't the likes of anjem taken care of? Was it combat18 who actually went out n done it? Surprised and saddened nothing is happening tbh.

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