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Lurchers Forsale

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There are that many Saluki hybrids being bred,most of which are advertised as being bred from Joe Bloggs x Fanny Smiths combinations,best of the best,why are they all advertised as being bred from the best about?,at some time or another at least one of them is going to come second,or is it?,thus the sites needed to advertise all these superior hounds cannot meet demand.Im tickled when they start at £700 a pup,a while later the same phone number and the pups are £350,not to long after they are £150,i pity the nuggets that get snared by the first advertisement.

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Tbh I'm still sickened for parting with my dog tipper but what can you do.I sold him before people start bbecause I got caught coursing and was up in court and solicitor told me I was gona lose everything but after all the torture got a hefty fine[/quot should of kept the dog not that hard to do.what you gonna do next time?
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They look like their worth the money.

Does anyone think saluki are going to be the new bull x ?

There's always been a market for coursing breds there's only so many real top class ones that are bred pups are like gold usually gone before litter hits the floor take fensarefar he sold thirteen pups before they had drawn breath for seven days but the bitch solid


There's loads bred that never shpd be and they the ones lads mentioning goin down in price my rule of thumb is if ya made a fortune off a litter then it weren't worth breeding let's face it not every good dog man has brewsters to spend I'd rather give one to right man than sell one too wrong man costs a fortune too rear a litter right it does

Edited by arcticgun
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