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Surprises When Digging

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Bolted a mink once, it went down another warren so bolted it again to the shotgun...


I was ferreting a wood for the commission and i looked over and there was a big light coloured head watching me out the next burrow i fired in the jills but they made nothing of it . I always wondered if it was a mink or a large hob ferret

This was a 2 minute drive from your work. :thumbs:

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I had a massive shock once...was using one of those fandangle mrk 3 locators and actually found my ferret!!!

once ferreted a grave yard, didnt dig out up but was bricking it in case i did !!!!

Rats ,cats stoats and weasels once had two hedge hogs the ferrets where going crazy foaming at the mouth trying to bite them had a couple of foxes bolt once a Jill didn't show at a three holer dug d

dug to hedgehogs, a very old and stinky dead badger cub, rat, and bolted little owls more than once. but my worst dig was to get down about two feet and find the carcase of an old tractor or some such vehicle. the ferret was up under what i think was the the bonnet . pretty rusty and corroded but still murder trying to hack through the shell and then round the engine to get to the ferret.

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