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Best Non Saluki Coursing Dogs Of The Past

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  On 28/08/2014 at 08:54, TOMO said:

This one did ok corridore,,,won the windmill double handed cup in 2003,,, and came runner up the year after,,,,she was whippet,grey x deer,grey...


Here's a few pics of her,,,there's one or two lads on this site sore her run,,,,


I'm the fella with the trophy,,,that's maxhardcore of here next to me ,,he was runner up that year




My dog Sally in the red collar





Good old days then. :victory:

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This one did ok corridore,,,won the windmill double handed cup in 2003,,, and came runner up the year after,,,,she was whippet,grey x deer,grey...   Here's a few pics of her,,,there's one or two lad

Here's Sally again     Here's max having his pic took with the dog Captin..     Here's a days coursing I organised on an estate I had permission on  

The Best bit irks my sensitive soul,running dogs seldom needed to be the best to fill the bag,all they needed to be was capable.There were a multitude of capable dogs,often pedigree unknown that had a

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A chap at penistone nr barnsly bred a strain of deerhound x grey x collie xgreys in the 70s and early 80s that were very good hare catching dogs one was owned by a chap who had a dog called blue out of the first litter hancock bred out of plummers merle a bitch called molly that i saw run in the early 80s that caught hares.

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Can't really compare single handed dogs with double handed. Double handed is judged by coursing rules therefore a fast dog that scores points and then fades can still win, whereas in single handed comps a dog has to win by catching prey however long it takes. Two totally different comps.

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Your right of course bolio,,I don't think I would have won much money matching Sally ,,,,but can I just add when she won the windmill,,,she killed the first 3 hares,,and the first two the other dogs never put a bend in the hare,,the only hare she missed was in the final against Max's dog buster,,,they both mised that one

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  On 28/08/2014 at 23:50, BOLIO1 said:

Can't really compare single handed dogs with double handed. Double handed is judged by coursing rules therefore a fast dog that scores points and then fades can still win, whereas in single handed comps a dog has to win by catching prey however long it takes. Two totally different comps.

I had a black and white 3/4 Grey x 1/4 border collie called Rocky his father Straw Silks won the Sefton Trophy.I won a lot of doubled up stakes with Rocky , he always won the run up ,and got points early, but he seldom caught a hare,and if the course went on he faded after about a minute and a half. It would have been pointless putting him in single handed comps. Deerhound crosses that ran on the fens in our club often won doubled up meetings too,they had to do 3 courses and their speed usually won them points.But they were often found out on the single-handed days ,especially if it was later in the season when the wheat had been sorted from the chaff among the hares .Heavy going and a good hare exposed many a non saluki blooded dog on big land especially if it was their second or third run.

Edited by inan
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The running style of the dogs, back in the day, seemed much more exciting than the dogs of today.


Round my neck of the woods you wouldn't of seen any kills as the dog would be in the next county, by the time it takes most hare dogs of today.


Most (NOT ALL) of the dogs on the net would struggle on small pend in fields.


But as most comps are held on the fens, it's all about wind nowadays.


But there's still quite a few dogs out there, doing there thing, without saluki blood in there make up.


Happy Hunting.

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  On 29/08/2014 at 17:45, Ggib said:

some good reading in this thread. did any ex track dogs do any good at coarsing?

I had a few lads down at my place one day,,,max was there and a friend of his that did the slipping at the Waterloo ,,,Aron ,,,he brought a young dog to give it a few runs to gee it up...


It missed it's first two slips,,,,but it's 3rd and 4 th,,, it put away like and old pro,,,on it's 5 th run of the day it put a few bends in then stoped a keeled over,,,we got it up and it was ok after ,,,but just showed how easy it is to over exert them

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The Best bit irks my sensitive soul,running dogs seldom needed to be the best to fill the bag,all they needed to be was capable.There were a multitude of capable dogs,often pedigree unknown that had an habit of meeting the requirements of the owner,then the ego,s took over.As soon as you want or need a dog that's the best,then,either you will never be satisfied with what you have,or a scally scumbag will filch your prized hound.

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