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Few Photos Of My Borders Working

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I've been looking at this argument for many years now and IMO it's those that enjoy ratting and bushing that seem to take the most offence and cause the most argument . It's like they're trying to te

It's something when killing a few rats classes a terrier as working, ffs get a grip.

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  On 02/09/2014 at 19:00, fat man said:

I think it all goes back to the same old argument,the standard of terrier that the individual keeps.Some lads like a terrier for bushing or ratting,not my cup of tea but im not the 1 thats got to feed them,where as the same lads would not like to be out on a dig for a few hours in the rain and cold,everyone has there own standards.

Heard it all now fat lad,so if you don't dig with your dog you not up to spending a few hours in the cold or rain,never heard so much shite.i work my dogs all year round fat lad but more so in the winter months,have a lot of permission on the alston moors,also a lot on the borders,were it gets extremely cold and wet most of the time.What is it with you lot having a pop at folk for working there dogs on rat or rabbit,when both are fantastic sport. ive done my fare share of digging in the past but there's nothing that betters rat hunting as specially when in number and believe me your dogs graft,and take a bit stick.the only people comparing digging and ratting is the arguementive f...ers that come on here.all because some one wanted to share a few pics of his dog working.Just for the record i was lamping last week in the pissing rain for three hours with my collie and took 19 rabbits,but suppose that wasn't working your dogs either ,ATB Keith j.

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I've been looking at this argument for many years now and IMO it's those that enjoy ratting and bushing that seem to take the most offence and cause the most argument .

It's like they're trying to tell themselves that they truly have the best workers.

You must be a tough one Keith to chase rabbits in the pissing rain for 3 hours, LOL, try digging in it for 3 hours or even worse, 2 days.

The truth is that most dogs will catch rats and bush and good terriers that work well underground usually make top class ratters and tend to be good in covert but it doesn't usually work the other way around.

The only reason I ever got involved in this old argument is because it pisses me off when someone is foolish enough to compare a mere ratter or pet terrier to the true worker that puts his neck on the line every time he's asked to go to ground. The true worker deserves better recognition than that.

It's like comparing a boy scout to a war veteran in my opinion.

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  On 03/09/2014 at 05:55, neil cooney said:

I've been looking at this argument for many years now and IMO it's those that enjoy ratting and bushing that seem to take the most offence and cause the most argument .

It's like they're trying to tell themselves that they truly have the best workers.

You must be a tough one Keith to chase rabbits in the pissing rain for 3 hours, LOL, try digging in it for 3 hours or even worse, 2 days.

The truth is that most dogs will catch rats and bush and good terriers that work well underground usually make top class ratters and tend to be good in covert but it doesn't usually work the other way around.

The only reason I ever got involved in this old argument is because it pisses me off when someone is foolish enough to compare a mere ratter or pet terrier to the true worker that puts his neck on the line every time he's asked to go to ground. The true worker deserves better recognition than that.

It's like comparing a boy scout to a war veteran in my opinion.

when in my post's have i compared mr cooney,seems like your comparing for what ever reason.Boy scouts,war veterans,if we ever meet do i say hello or bow to you since obviously i'm the lesser man.for the record bud ive done my fare share of digging but don't have to shout about it or have a pop at folk for doing other stuff.Ive got the greatest respect for all working terriers mate,as ive worked with and along side most for 35 years.and i hunt rats and rabbits with my dogs simply because i love doing it,and your right most dogs will pop the odd rat off,but ive killed excess of 3500 rats in the last year and if that's not classed as work i best shoot my dogs.My terrier isn't a digging dog but a ratting terrier and damned good at her job. Yes bud i am a tough one for being out in the rain for 3 hours lamping rabbits ,would i be tougher if i dug the rabbits out,come on mr cooney just enjoy your chosen sport and let others enjoy there's.if you want a specialised terrier for digging crack on but there's a lot more to a terrier than just digging,there versatile intelligent little dogs that love performing other tasks.yes cooney a terrier dose put its neck on the line when it go's to ground,and you have to have the greatest respect for them,ive bin there many a time ,heart beating out of chest ,adrenalin pumping through your vains wondering what's going on under the dirt,but i also have that same respect for all my dogs what ever work they do in the field.this is my last post on this subject as its just getting f...ing petty,all the same ATB and happy hunting whatever your chosen sport, keith J.

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  On 02/09/2014 at 21:54, keith j said:


  On 02/09/2014 at 19:00, fat man said:

I think it all goes back to the same old argument,the standard of terrier that the individual keeps.Some lads like a terrier for bushing or ratting,not my cup of tea but im not the 1 thats got to feed them,where as the same lads would not like to be out on a dig for a few hours in the rain and cold,everyone has there own standards.

Heard it all now fat lad,so if you don't dig with your dog you not up to spending a few hours in the cold or rain,never heard so much shite.i work my dogs all year round fat lad but more so in the winter months,have a lot of permission on the alston moors,also a lot on the borders,were it gets extremely cold and wet most of the time.What is it with you lot having a pop at folk for working there dogs on rat or rabbit,when both are fantastic sport. ive done my fare share of digging in the past but there's nothing that betters rat hunting as specially when in number and believe me your dogs graft,and take a bit stick.the only people comparing digging and ratting is the arguementive f...ers that come on here.all because some one wanted to share a few pics of his dog working.Just for the record i was lamping last week in the pissing rain for three hours with my collie and took 19 rabbits,but suppose that wasn't working your dogs either ,ATB Keith j.


Now your been arguementive,i never once knocked you for ratting with your dogs if thats gives you a buzz then crack on its just something im not into,i prefer a digging dog,and fair fucks to you for staying out in the rain for 3 hours lamping rabbits with your collie,again your choice,but i have to disagree with you that rat hunting is better sport than diging as it takes a far superior terrier to work under ground in unknown conditions for hours on end than a terrier that is used for ratting,jmho,but you carry on and enjoy your sport,as already said its you thats got to feed them.

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  On 02/09/2014 at 21:24, stripes said:

Maybe so fatman, the definition of work is to complete a duty or task, is it the true test for a terrier when he is not working underground,, no way.

The true test for a terrier is when it enters an earth regardless of debth or what quarry lies in wait below and if not bolted stayes until dug to regardless of how long it takes to get there,let it be an hour or a day or what punishment it takes in the prosess,but if person is happy to do a bit of rabbiting or ratting with there dogs then so be it thats there choice.

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  On 03/09/2014 at 20:02, fat man said:


  On 02/09/2014 at 21:54, keith j said:


  On 02/09/2014 at 19:00, fat man said:

I think it all goes back to the same old argument,the standard of terrier that the individual keeps.Some lads like a terrier for bushing or ratting,not my cup of tea but im not the 1 thats got to feed them,where as the same lads would not like to be out on a dig for a few hours in the rain and cold,everyone has there own standards.

Heard it all now fat lad,so if you don't dig with your dog you not up to spending a few hours in the cold or rain,never heard so much shite.i work my dogs all year round fat lad but more so in the winter months,have a lot of permission on the alston moors,also a lot on the borders,were it gets extremely cold and wet most of the time.What is it with you lot having a pop at folk for working there dogs on rat or rabbit,when both are fantastic sport. ive done my fare share of digging in the past but there's nothing that betters rat hunting as specially when in number and believe me your dogs graft,and take a bit stick.the only people comparing digging and ratting is the arguementive f...ers that come on here.all because some one wanted to share a few pics of his dog working.Just for the record i was lamping last week in the pissing rain for three hours with my collie and took 19 rabbits,but suppose that wasn't working your dogs either ,ATB Keith j.

Now your been arguementive,i never once knocked you for ratting with your dogs if thats gives you a buzz then crack on its just something im not into,i prefer a digging dog,and fair fucks to you for staying out in the rain for 3 hours lamping rabbits with your collie,again your choice,but i have to disagree with you that rat hunting is better sport than diging as it takes a far superior terrier to work under ground in unknown conditions for hours on end than a terrier that is used for ratting,jmho,but you carry on and enjoy your sport,as already said its you thats got to feed them.


look fat lad i don't really give a f..k who's or what dogs more superior than who's,dose it really mater anyways. it's like knocking on wood read the post's not once have i compared or had a pop at anybody for what they do with there dogs,and for the record mate ive had a terrier down for three days night mare of a dig through lime stone ect , luckely we got the dog out,and could go on about how deep we dug this hole or that,we've all done it mate.but since the ban ive not dug,and even when i did i still preffered ratting,that dosn't mean i'm knocking anything else,my choice.so you carry on and feed your dogs and i will with mine and just leave it at that,ATB KEITH J.

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  On 03/09/2014 at 05:55, neil cooney said:

I've been looking at this argument for many years now and IMO it's those that enjoy ratting and bushing that seem to take the most offence and cause the most argument .

It's like they're trying to tell themselves that they truly have the best workers.

You must be a tough one Keith to chase rabbits in the pissing rain for 3 hours, LOL, try digging in it for 3 hours or even worse, 2 days.

The truth is that most dogs will catch rats and bush and good terriers that work well underground usually make top class ratters and tend to be good in covert but it doesn't usually work the other way around.

The only reason I ever got involved in this old argument is because it pisses me off when someone is foolish enough to compare a mere ratter or pet terrier to the true worker that puts his neck on the line every time he's asked to go to ground. The true worker deserves better recognition than that.

It's like comparing a boy scout to a war veteran in my opinion.

Read the posts neil, the problem is nobody is comparing the two, you cant say one day the terrier is at rats that he is not working, at the next day he goes to ground he is working,and for the record nobody is arguing ,iam right and your wrong so get over it,, :tongue2:

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  On 03/09/2014 at 20:16, fat man said:


  On 02/09/2014 at 21:24, stripes said:

Maybe so fatman, the definition of work is to complete a duty or task, is it the true test for a terrier when he is not working underground,, no way.

The true test for a terrier is when it enters an earth regardless of debth or what quarry lies in wait below and if not bolted stayes until dug to regardless of how long it takes to get there,let it be an hour or a day or what punishment it takes in the prosess,but if person is happy to do a bit of rabbiting or ratting with there dogs then so be it thats there choice.


Here, Here fatman, it is possible to do both mate ratting and underground work ,it wont do your terrier any harm, best thing for bringing on a young pup before earth work, brings on there nose, atb stripes.

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A little bit food for thought,years ago we got asked to clear a barn of feral cats for a farmer ,one of the best digging dogs I have ever seen that ticked all the boxes soon had enough and sat of the action ,then the same week did 5hrs in the ground and had a one hole result

Another a young dog about 13 month went on a ratting day and after nailing a good few turned his nose up at them yet went on to be a very good first class digging dog you would work in anybodys company

would any of you get rid of the 2 dogs mentioned because they jibbed on ferals and rats ,To many people talk about terriers like they were robots ,the secret is getting them out and enjoying yourself

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Lads what we have here is a bit of digging dog snobbery,I've got to say I'm a sufferer of it also ? the terrier is a versatile animal It can do a variety of jobs but hey we all know that. What it comes down to , for digging lads their dogs are the supreme terriers and nothing work wise touches that . Ive got to admit that for me there is no over terrier work that comes close to digging ! But we sometimes forget that the honest tyke is used in more than one way and as long as you are hunting your dogs on what you like to hunt then your dogs are workers end of , one mans meat is another mans gravy ! I know Keith hadn't compared the two but I thought I'd have my two bobs worth since the point raised its ugly head.

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What lads are moaning about is decent digging borders are like hens teeth this has all came about because people class ratting or rabbiting dogs as working breeding them in to digging lines witch in turn dilutes what was once great line. I just hope the patterdale doesn't go the same way. Not a pop at any by the way just what I think.

Edited by crazydave
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Or perhaps there are a few more good digging borders out there, but none of the owners can be arsed with all the hastle and shit comments that come their way as soon as they mention "BORDERS".

Any topic about borders on this site usually ends up with someone slagging off someone else.

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