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Few Hours With The Lad

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Well after our successful chub and crayfish outing yesterday I thought maybe a spot of pigeon decoying would a nice little challenge, something that I'm only just beginning to tackle myself.


I thought a few hours maximum would be enough for the lad and so we took the minimum of gear and headed out to the first stubble field. Nothing but a jay and a magpie were there when we arrived but we set up anyway. Apart from a solitary magpie that mocked us from a hawthorn bush above our heads I decided it was wise to move before the lad got completely disillusioned with the whole idea.


A short stroll across the road and we settled on a newly sown field where a few pigeons took off on our arrival.


Decided to set up in the base of a thick hedge once I had cleared all the nettles:




Then set up the decoys fairly close as the wind was whistling across the field making longer shots more difficult:




At the beginning I let him have a little plinking practise before I took over in anticipation of any pigeons that may arrive:




They soon started coming in but not in huge numbers or very regularly, but those that did came straight into the pattern and started feeding confidently so the pattern and hide must of been okay. Had a total of ten good shots but only added three to the bag. Its strange as at that range I can put ten pellets on a group smaller than a 5p, and with rabbits I have no problem but pigeons I find a real challenge with all their bobbing and precise kill area with a .177. Just need more practise but the challenge is well worth it.


Anyhow after a total of three hours that included several showers I thought the lad had done well to last as long and we headed home:






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Oh yes pan fried pigeon breast tomorrow and the carcasses go to the ferrets.


I was originally a bit dubious about these fuds but now my twenty odd old full bodied decoys are just collecting dust as the pulling power of these fuds is very impressive and for airgun shooting the pigeons just land and soon start feeding plus they take up hardly any room so a bigger flask can be put in the bag. Just turning a couple of the old decoys into floaters with the attachment of foam wings.

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I bought a batch of 24 and to be honest they are like a dream... Real good.


Im guessing it apparent but for those who dont know, they have a UV covering which bird see within there spectrum... so I hear... Does anyone know anymore, like the science behind it?


Be interested to find out.

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Took him again but the pigeons were few and far between. Very few were around but those that did come in were added to the bag for a total of four. The wind left to right meant a bit of plinking at a little inconspicuous target I took along which I placed out amongst the decoys which meant a windage correction of one and half mildots. But it definitely helped although it can be a bit unnerving having to aim off target.



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