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Whippets & small lurchers

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I actually no a lad selling a pure bred Italian greyhound pup,,,,,Dont think you can get much smaller than that,although Ive never heard of them been worked?but don't see why they couldn't do the job on small quarry such as rabbit


They would freeze to death,need stitching back together,and would most likely snap all there legs.This is not a wind up up mate,these are toy dogs,and absolutely no use for any kind of quarry.


I think Little Lurcher works hers on rabbit?


I never say never mate,and like to keep an open mind,but i don't believe a pure Italian greyhound could tackle a mouse let alone rabbit.I'd love to be proved wrong so get them vids up :thumbs:


I dont know a thing about them bud, just remember reading it on an eariler thread. Am sure she works them to rabbits. Maybee I picked her up wrong?


No, you're right she has and some game Whippets.

Edited by leegreen
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Guest little lurcher
I actually no a lad selling a pure bred Italian greyhound pup,,,,,Dont think you can get much smaller than that,although Ive never heard of them been worked?but don't see why they couldn't do the job on small quarry such as rabbit


They would freeze to death,need stitching back together,and would most likely snap all there legs.This is not a wind up up mate,these are toy dogs,and absolutely no use for any kind of quarry.


bill you are no incorrect but i have the exception to rule, standard uk bloodlines in the breed at min are not strong enough tbh, you are correct they will shiver etc and are at high risk of leg breaks!! oh yes they can do the job very well if correctly bred and raised, sadly this very much lacking in the uk, i would hate to see people go out just to try to prove a point, the dogs wil suffer in the end but anyone wishing to come see mine and watch them pm me and ill gladly show what mine can do , it started as a joke tbh working them although the old pure girl here did work with her former owner, then the little showbred of mine killed my sons pet rabbit and from a very young age was marking correctly as i would expeect from any rabitting dog, they do have prey drive and will kill rabits very cleanly and well, speed is super fast , perfect for running down a hedge or a bolter, however i would not recommend or advocate this as they have their limits and is it worth it to prove they can or cant? i will continue to work mine as i feel im confident enough in my dogs bone strentgh etc and abilities, will post new pics of days success1s using italians



Edited by little lurcher
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Guest little lurcher
Thanks for an honest answer Little Lurchers,i wouldn't want anyone to run there dog at risk to prove a point.The point i was making is this,i don't think your average IG would be fit for field work.imho :thumbs:


and i fully agree they would not , but whats to say that with careful selective breeding from stronger and healthier lines that they wouldnt be able to become pot fillers as ferretting dogs? :hmm:


just to make things crystal clear , the bitch in pic is a part bred as described on a couple of other threads but before anyone is under a misconception , she is in fact 9/16 italian 1/16 bedlington and 6/16 whippet , her mother is the bitch in my avatar and her father is a 14 inch pure italian, the result of a very accidental mating , ( he went over a 6 ft fence!!) but she is to all intents and purposes an italian and many cant tell she isnt a purebred, the showbred fella of mine who has also killed is from swedish imported lines , where there have better bones and compete in lure coursing and racing , my pure and part breds all do practice lure coursing as an extra method of exercise and fitness as do my whippets :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my 1st lurcher a couple of months ago his father was a racing whippet who was worked on rabbit and hare and mother a 1st cross collie grey who was used on hare rabbit and the odd fox my pup is only 4 months so not working yet lol i am planning t mainly use him as rabbiting dog just wondered if anyone could give me an idea on the right age to start him working and tell me if he might be good on hare

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Guest Rabbiteer

[pquote name=jeff.s' date='Jun 7 2006, 11:31 AM' post='89892]




Little Ted is a Whippet X Collie thing and my first rabbiting dog standing 19"TTS at 13months old.




All the best,



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