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Exacts Fields

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Exacts and AA Fields.


I know these two brands are literally twins, there made in the same damn factory. Has any one had better results with one other than the other so to speak? I've cleaned the barrel of my HW's and think a change is in order. I'm leaning toward AA Fields 5.52 for my 97 and wondered what other thought of them?


Many thanks.

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hi rez,


I didn't know they were made in the same factory, but now you mention it, it figures because my gun likes both of these, but the aa fields just get the edge with a bit tighter groups, so I have stuck with them, but I could use the exacts if I did run out of the others, interesting though.


thank tl

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My 100 JUST preffered jsb at 45 yds over the aa. But im sure if i did the same test 10 times it would be very close. Id have to get propperly anal and shoot indoors off a bipod with scopecam and weigh wash and lube and chrono all at the same time etc.


Weather they are the same pellet or not i dont know, but they always give very similar results in terms of group sizes at a set range. Im talking 2-3mm differences.


Could try at 100 yards and see if one spreads out drastically more than the other but there are more variables then such as shooter error wind deflection and all that anal stuff :laugh:


Basically buy either and it wont make much difference imo

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