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Phones Lol

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right , I would imagine n this day age that most phones are cordless (land line,mob, etc), meaning you can take the phone where you want , in in the house,out the house or to any different room you choose . So why the fook does my wife want start talking in the same room as me when I want to watch the tv :censored: Had bust up with twat the other night, the 6pm bbc1 new just came on, and I wanted to listen to the news ,with what happened with the beheading etc and all the other things that's going on . I couldn't concentrate in what was being said, I told he piss off in another room , as its a cordless phone and could take it in there :yes: if she keeps this up she make the feckin news soon .!!

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All women do this bird.......why I don't know, whenever I make a call I either go to another part of the house or outside.....but every women I've lived with insist on making a call next to you while you're trying to watch the TV!......my wife will even do this with Skype lol........I just turn the TV right up until they move lol

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right , I would imagine n this day age that most phones are cordless (land line,mob, etc), meaning you can take the phone where you want , in in the house,out the house or to any different room you choose . So why the fook does my wife want start talking in the same room as me when I want to watch the tv :censored: Had bust up with twat the other night, the 6pm bbc1 new just came on, and I wanted to listen to the news ,with what happened with the beheading etc and all the other things that's going on . I couldn't concentrate in what was being said, I told he piss off in another room , as its a cordless phone and could take it in there :yes: if she keeps this up she make the feckin news soon .!!


It's not only phones bird. I am retired, and spend a nice day doing whatever I please, nice and peaceful like. I prepare and cook a meal for when she gets in from work. Like you, I sometimes want to watch something on the box. That is when her sixth sense kicks in, and she comes and stands at the door prattling on about her day, and she never learns, cos every time she does it I tell her to f**k off and find someone who might be the least bit interested. Just after 7pm she phones the woman she's been working with all day and gossips with her for an hour, why does their jaw always have to be moving? :huh:

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You try doing the same when shes got one of 'her' programmes on and you're commiting the crime of the century.. :yes: I get it here, especially if the mother in law is round.. It's all right for her to yap and cackle her way through any programme I want to watch and its not interesting her, but I daren't so much as fart quietly when she's watching bloody eastenders or some animal rescue type programme in my own bloody front room... :rolleyes:

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right , I would imagine n this day age that most phones are cordless (land line,mob, etc), meaning you can take the phone where you want , in in the house,out the house or to any different room you choose . So why the fook does my wife want start talking in the same room as me when I want to watch the tv :censored: Had bust up with twat the other night, the 6pm bbc1 new just came on, and I wanted to listen to the news ,with what happened with the beheading etc and all the other things that's going on . I couldn't concentrate in what was being said, I told he piss off in another room , as its a cordless phone and could take it in there :yes: if she keeps this up she make the feckin news soon .!!

I just turn it up to full volume if there's an annoying sound that needs to be drowned out.

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My mrs often does that it doesnt bother me in the slightest................but then when the footie comes on she automatically just rises from her chair and strolls out the room......she,s silly.....but she aint that silly :D

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I get the same shut soon as the news comes on the only shit on the tv I try to watch the kids will come in 1 by 1 asking questions the phone will ring she will sit there chatting shit to her mate mother whoever then kids will desire to put I pads on all watching or playing different stuff it's like a train station an I'm a bull in it you can see the steam coming from me nose.yet if f***ing cbbc or coronation f***ing street are on its like the pope is doing a search to thousands of followers pure silent you can hear Deirdre f****n Barlow loud an clear no interruptions.it's beyond me we have to livinrooms with tv sky an 3 bedrooms with the same. Think they're trying to push me out lol

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There all the same ray,,,,,mine does it,,,,but she s worse,,,,she seems to think she's American when on the phone,,,as her voise gets a louder so everyone can here her,,,,it's like living with Dom jolly,,,,lol

Edited by TOMO
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