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  On 20/09/2014 at 10:25, mushroom said:

Because at 16 you are too fecking immature!! As for promises..... Why the fucck should scots get a better deal than the rest of us??? Everyone moaning about this needs to step back and take a long look at themselves!

And you can jog on....we were lied to and it was enough to tear this country apart. I'm all for everyone getting there fair crack of the whip mate but it's blatant lies, lies that every Yes voter knew was coming and every No voter hung on to in hope they would come good.

Well it's f****d now....country split down the middle with f**k all to show for it.

My head is held high being one of the 45.

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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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  On 20/09/2014 at 10:36, mushroom said:

Surely you can see mate that the only people to blame for the divide are scots with salmond at the helm! As for the promises you've been told you'll get them in due course along with the rest of the UK, that's fair. Isn't it?

Have you seen Glasgow at the minute???? Don't blame the Yes voters mate.

We had a chance to change things...yes there was a lot of uncertainty but now we are stuck with the same shite. Promises won't be made...lol...you mean politics will continue and we will on the loss again.

I've never looked as myself as British, after the result and last nights antics I never, ever will.

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  On 20/09/2014 at 10:31, Lab said:


  On 20/09/2014 at 10:25, mushroom said:

Because at 16 you are too fecking immature!! As for promises..... Why the fucck should scots get a better deal than the rest of us??? Everyone moaning about this needs to step back and take a long look at themselves!

And you can jog on....we were lied to and it was enough to tear this country apart. I'm all for everyone getting there fair crack of the whip mate but it's blatant lies, lies that every Yes voter knew was coming and every No voter hung on to in hope they would come good.

Well it's f****d now....country split down the middle with f**k all to show for it.

My head is held high being one of the 45.

At 16 you can get married with parents permission so clearly not old enough to make life changing decisions which can impact others
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As I said in my last post mate it has been said promises will be honoured in line with the rest of the union. Basically it's going to a fair spread now to me that is more important "FAIR" than one section of one member of the union spitting the dummy out saying it's unfair we want it now!

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  On 20/09/2014 at 10:47, Chr15j said:

A % of the scots still acting like whinging childish b*****ds. Shut up whinging and get in with it or emigrate!

I'll moan all I f***ing like!!!!

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  On 20/09/2014 at 10:49, mushroom said:

As I said in my last post mate it has been said promises will be honoured in line with the rest of the union. Basically it's going to a fair spread now to me that is more important "FAIR" than one section of one member of the union spitting the dummy out saying it's unfair we want it now!

Aye but we were voting for independence mate....they knew the voting was close so chucked in some 'promises'....promises that were to be met. These promises were pushed through to shift the undecided to vote No.

You have 1.6 million pissed of people up here...if promises are not met, and met quickly and on timescale your going to get another 2 million or so pissed off.

Then you'll see some serious shit hitting the fan mate!!

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  On 20/09/2014 at 11:07, undisputed said:

It's ok Lab they've sent the OO in to march through the city to calm things down, everything will be fine now :whistling:

Will there be a big turn out...they've been up all night wrecking the place??

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don't get all this shit, I know where your coming from lab, your Scottish and proud

I'm English and proud, I'm not f****n british, same as the welsh and the irish

when I'm asked my nationality my reply is English same as yours would be scottish

but the government puts a massive amout of money into Scotland, more than they put into other parts of the country

per head, I think the Scottish government should be in control of the money Scotland generates

and to get on with it, you wont be better off, but to want to go it alone is the wrong decision in my view

your own have caused the divide in your country no one else but it will now have repercussions

in England, Ireland and wales

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Look at this thread, a microcosm of what that f***ing Salmond has caused in a whole country.......for what??

For a dream?.......for justice because of some historical wrong ?


IMHO he is no better than the gun men of Northern Ireland creating trouble over some 400 year old injustice, creating a problem where there was none.


His legacy?......1.5 million pissed off Scotsmen who now resent 2 million other Scotsmen !


There was no f***ing need.......no need at all.


No one wins out of this unless we can just forget it and move on........I hope the wee prick is proud of himself !

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That's it NL a lot of folk need to remember though that glasgow and a couple hundred singing neds isn't the whole of Scotland or even a fraction of the people who voted no on Thursday, sick of hearing that it's all boiled down to religion and who ever thinks that is very wrong

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