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I don't care if we are no longer the force we were part of the uk, looking at other small countries is 2.5/3 billion enough YES


Small countries like Norway? They spend 60% more than that on defence!


But meh, having an extra 25% military expenditure spent in your backyard at the expense of a MASSIVE loss in capability and security is perfectly logical! :laugh:

Am sure there's a few other countries , Denmark is one..


Edit: like I said I don't care how much more uk spend, how many more soldiers, more weapons and how powerful think they are..


Enough for a small country is all that's needed

Edited by Joe1888
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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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I don't care if we are no longer the force we were part of the uk, looking at other small countries is 2.5/3 billion enough YES

Small countries like Norway? They spend 60% more than that on defence!


But meh, having an extra 25% military expenditure spent in your backyard at the expense of a MASSIVE loss in capability and security is perfectly logical! :laugh:

Am sure there's a few other countries , Denmark is one..


Edit: like I said I don't care how much more uk spend, how many more soldiers, more weapons and how powerful think they are..


Enough for a small country is all that's needed



Yeah, quick look and the Danes spend an equivalent amount on Defence. But they're also a member of NATO and have supported both the Afghan and Iraq conflicts. Now we both know NATO is anything but garunteed and for all the reasons I've given and probably not gonna happen so forget that security that the Danes have. Also, like I said, they have actively involved themselves in supporting other much more powerful countries (Afghan/Iraq conflicts), something which we're told Scotland wont be doing.


Small countries seek the security of big ones. All the SNP foreign and defence policies that are such big vote winners in Scotland aren't gonna do you any favours in achieving that.

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I don't care if we are no longer the force we were part of the uk, looking at other small countries is 2.5/3 billion enough YES


Small countries like Norway? They spend 60% more than that on defence!


But meh, having an extra 25% military expenditure spent in your backyard at the expense of a MASSIVE loss in capability and security is perfectly logical! :laugh:

Am sure there's a few other countries , Denmark is one..

Edit: like I said I don't care how much more uk spend, how many more soldiers, more weapons and how powerful think they are..

Enough for a small country is all that's needed

Yeah, quick look and the Danes spend an equivalent amount on Defence. But they're also a member of NATO and have supported both the Afghan and Iraq conflicts. Now we both know NATO is anything but garunteed and for all the reasons I've given and probably not gonna happen so forget that security that the Danes have. Also, like I said, they have actively involved themselves in supporting other much more powerful countries (Afghan/Iraq conflicts), something which we're told Scotland wont be doing.


Small countries seek the security of big ones. All the SNP foreign and defence policies that are such big vote winners in Scotland aren't gonna do you any favours in achieving that.

Scotland will be in nato, your post shows how a small country can still have small army a play a part around the world when truly needed. We might not have a huge army, but they will be well trained..

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Bh what's your thoughts on Spain, when they wanted the USA sub base removed from Spain then joined NATO... I know the situation is alittle different, it is possible.. You said if Scotland voted yes you would be for an alliance, would you also support Scotland joining NATO if it wanted to.

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Scotland will be in nato, your post shows how a small country can still have small army a play a part around the world when truly needed. We might not have a huge army, but they will be well trained..



LOL, I'm not going over the NATO argument again. The very fact that an Independent Scotland will have intentionally hindered the nuclear capability of a nuclear alliance and also forbids the forward deployment of nuclear weapons within their territory yet still thinks they'll be eligible to be sheltered by the security of NATOs nuclear umbrella is mind boggling! In fact, it's beyond mind boggling it's plain arrogant and stupid.



Again, small countries recognise their size and lack of capability and so actively support US/UK/French coalitions to gain favour with these military mights. Part of the SNPs YES campaign is "let’s get out of the Union and these illegal wars", so Scotland won’t be one of these weaker countries that support the mightier ones in alliance for greater security?



So in conclusion, Scotland are actively isolating themselves, completely ignorant in that action and think that they can still spend pennies on defence. It's f***ing farcical!


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Bh what's your thoughts on Spain, when they wanted the USA sub base removed from Spain then joined NATO... I know the situation is alittle different, it is possible.. You said if Scotland voted yes you would be for an alliance, would you also support Scotland joining NATO if it wanted to.


Spain is different, When they joined the alliance the Cold War was still hot and they are at the mouth of the Med. They were important to NATO for the same reason Gibraltar is important to the UK. Also, do they still allow the deployment of NATO nuclear weapons?


I've said in the past Scotland, like Spain has a important geographical location for NATO strategic goals in countering Russia. However, Russia are not the threat they were 30 years ago and the UK (- Scotland) and Norway pretty much render the Scottish geographical argument mute. Essentially, we've got it covered already so if you wont support our nuclear capability why should you be covered by it? It's like demanding insurance for free!


If Scotland goes it alone, I'd be massively up for a military alliance, with similar strategic goals we'd be a good team and it'd benefit both our countries security. We would bring a huge diversity in capability and global reach to the Scots and the Scots would ensure the whole of this island is secure as well as providing us with soldiers that are second to none. However, half the reasons for voting YES are because the Scots allegedly have very different strategic goals to the rest of the UK. So f**k knows! LOL

Edited by Born Hunter
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Well, after the "VOW" the three stooges, (Cameron, Clegg, Miliband), made, I'm deffinately in the "Yes" camp now !! They are going to give Scotland more devolution and have said not only will the Barnett Formula be kept, the Scottish allocation will rise !! At who's expense ? The English of course ! I hope it's a yes vote, and when the negotiations begin, the English side will play hardball all the way and Scotland gets only what is fair and deserved, nothing more.

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Sorry, but the bottom line is.......if you were voting on a well thought out, all bases covered plan then fair enough


But to be honest, no matter how nice a bloke any of you are........if you vote YES for this mess that is being presented to you then your a complete f***ing idiot.


Sorry, but that's a fact.

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Sorry, but the bottom line is.......if you were voting on a well thought out, all bases covered plan then fair enough


But to be honest, no matter how nice a bloke any of you are........if you vote YES for this mess that is being presented to you then your a complete f***ing idiot.


Sorry, but that's a fact.

Big statement that calling 50% of Scots f***ing idiots.

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Why would people go out there way to destroy other peoples property over this? From Stirling to Perth every no thanks sign on farmers land on the side of motorways been destroyed? Two nice big scotland says no banners slashed down the middle! Someone is having to go about during the dark doing this pretty sad! I could see this going on in a city centre but on the side of the moterways! Arseholes! And don't tell me both sides involved in this!

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