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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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Well that's if then......after the voting has finished it's clearky decided that we are infact the laughing stock of the world. I'm sure I've got a Scotland the Brave scarf that will need to go in the bin...lol

Time to move on now and hope for the best....new powers on route(lol) and war on Monday. lol

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  On 19/09/2014 at 05:06, grant_c said:

Exactly NL and the vote was there still scotland voted no and look what happened mate scotland still has an industry mate I'll try post some

Percentages but I'm no going much deeper into discussion pretty tired of it aw now mate its took

Its course.

Brigzy the capital? Big witted businessmen? We've knew all along Edinburgh would have voted no the majority there care more about a single pound in their own wallet than me or your life's. We knew all along the "upper class" would

Vote no.

And we aw know at heart Glasgow should have always been the capital, haw haw lol!! Sleep

Time for me might get just aboot an hour before a need to get up.

I'm fae the capital and anyone who's met me kens I'm classy as f**k.......

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On a positive note, Scotland will need a new national anthem and the words to Scotland the Brave will have to be changed to Scotland we're really quite scared, Andy Murray is back to being a Brit again and Alec Salmond was last seen staggering about Edinburgh steaming,

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As predicted common sense prevailed


I'm pleased our great nation was not torn apart by the lies of that weasel Salmond.


I hope the yessers accept the result and hope they ultimately realise the result was in Scotland's and the unions best interest


Well done Scotland!

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Personally I think Milliband should resign. If the Labour party had used the time since the last general election to get itself on order and return itself to the principles it was founded on the margin would have been even greater.

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