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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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75% percent turned out brigzy, that's a good turnout even if the rest turned out and you took half it still wouldn't have swayed it, places right along the west coast voted no that was a big surprise for me, even up Stirling, Perth and Kinross, all majority no, absalute madness can't wait to hear a no voter moaning about doctors, nurses, hospitals, schools, taxes etc etc. At least a tried for ma kids, everyone's entitled to their own opinion but I always try to see the other side of the story but in this one I can't see why anybody would vote no. You'd think scotland would have learned after the last time

Edited by grant_c
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  On 19/09/2014 at 04:36, grant_c said:

75% percent turned out brigzy, that's a good turnout even if the rest turned out and you took half it still wouldn't have swayed it, places right along the west coast voted no that was a big surprise for me, even up Stirling, Perth and Kinross, all majority no, absalute madness can't wait to hear a no voter moaning about doctors, nurses, hospitals, schools, taxes etc etc. At least a tried for ma kids, everyone's entitled to their own opinion but I always try to see the other side of the story but in this one I can't see why anybody would vote no. You'd think scotland would have learned after the last time

Grant you keep working hard pal for you and your family! The chances are there for anyone willing to take them.

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  On 19/09/2014 at 04:36, grant_c said:

75% percent turned out brigzy, that's a good turnout even if the rest turned out and you took half it still wouldn't have swayed it, places right along the west coast voted no that was a big surprise for me, even up Stirling, Perth and Kinross, all majority no, absalute madness can't wait to hear a no voter moaning about doctors, nurses, hospitals, schools, taxes etc etc. At least a tried for ma kids, everyone's entitled to their own opinion but I always try to see the other side of the story but in this one I can't see why anybody would vote no. You'd think scotland would have learned after the last time

Glasgow had, I think, the lowest turnout of the 32 councils. It was a "yes" city, if it had a 90/95% turnout it may have made a difference if it is close when the final results come in. Why blame the people who did vote, surely the blame lies with them who didn't ?

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A will Luke mate its all we can do.


Brigzy no point blaming a region mate we voted as a nation it was just divided into different parts the results took as a nation. There's ways people who don't really care outside there doors, also people who if traced back don't originate from here who don't really give a f**k.


Northernlite I know mate I was born in Glasgow and raised in port Glasgow I know the west coasts full of good people and my family. Remember the ship yards when people could walk out school and walk into an apprenticeship wonder what happened there.


Anyway I'm no going to argue way people we aw had our own minds to make up the world gos round with opinions and were all entitled to our own I've got mine others have theirs.

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