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As you all know by now, its about more than salmond.. Vote AYE, then lets choose who we want to run the country in our interests, a change for the better.



We wont get this chance again, remember that as you go to the polls.

Joe you won't get a choice salmons first minister that's why he brought up independence he want to run the country and once he's in he doesn't need to have a election every four year he's practically got a free ticket to do what he wants let's hope when he gets humped today he retires and crawls back under his rock and gets lost and is never heard from again

No offence mate, that is crap. You already know if it's a yes vote today then we vote party we want in 2016.. Going by what's been said, there's a good chance of labour doing well, returning to the party of old for the working man. Who ever it is , we get who we want, working in the interest of Scotland for once..


Get real joe the wee fat slugs no doing all this to hand power over to somebody else all our first ministers has been shown too be crooked and this ones no different

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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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You know me, my views etc, but have a look at your avatar and location.


Nationalism lives in us all. Even the British

This aint about nationalism or patriotism, its all bloody politics and administration. This is not a vote for Scottish folk, its a vote for everone who lives in Scotland to decide which bunch of assholes get to take your money off you and piss it all away. No more no less. Going to be a large number of upset Scottish folk after this result no matter which way it goes, I just hope it dont cause a permanant festering wound on a bunch of folk I care about. Good luck up there guys, just mind to keep sending the boys down to Cardiff every other year to get pissed with us at the rugby no matter what you all decide to do! :D:cheers:
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not a tommy fan, but this is very good, worth a watch ;)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9JWEEvie9A off to zzzzz, scotland, dont bottle it!!

tom Sherridan is a talker got a video sent to me of him in a pud shouting at the top of his voice no voters are nothing but wankers now that's going to cause trouble think there will be trouble ahead
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some shite coming from small numbers on both sides, andy murray getting some pelters. its your choice mate, i respect that. i agree with previous posts, what ever the result, we need to accept/respect the result. atb

Edited by Joe1888
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