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Because it's fact lab and it's not hard to work out why mate. Scotland is remote the population centered in areas with pretty much deck all inbetween, the cost of transporting goods right now is spread across the UK if you go it alone the cost of transporting goods to Scotland will have to be met by Scotland. Ps saw the thing on Fb mate I can't reply right now ;)

I think that was a fair thing I showed you on FB mate.....look forward to you opinion.....I can imagine...lol

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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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Well this conversation clearly shows why it's a difficult decision up here. You could be a No voter and your views shine bright in this debate and I'm sure if your a yes voter you can see my points of view as well.

Be a big bombshell I'm sure in the next few days I'd imagine. Atb



I don't think it's an easy decision at all mate. All said and done, it's a personal opinion. There's always a risk with things that are less than absolute....... just depends how great you consider that risk and whether it's worth taking.


I'm sat here at my desk with the same background I've had for 4 years, the Union Flag..... it means alot to me and it's completely out of my control. :thumbs:

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Is there anything that would make you guys voting yes, change your minds? Or do you want independence at any cost?

It would have to be some concrete fact from the Yes campaign that I totally disagreed with. Like if Salmond was to come out and say all hunting/shooting will be banned tomorrow then I'd change my mind precisely on that fact.

Now if we do get independence and further down the line that did happen it would be down to a vote and I'd just have to live with that. I'm sure like any politics things will go for and against your favour.

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Is there anything that would make you guys voting yes, change your minds? Or do you want independence at any cost?

It would have to be some concrete fact from the Yes campaign that I totally disagreed with. Like if Salmond was to come out and say all hunting/shooting will be banned tomorrow then I'd change my mind precisely on that fact.

Now if we do get independence and further down the line that did happen it would be down to a vote and I'd just have to live with that. I'm sure like any politics things will go for and against your favour.

funny you say that lab , for when I voted here it was for a pro hunting party, ukip, and to stop all this mass immigration. Ukip. The rest are all too busy hating each other to care lol
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'Most probable'.......not 'we will be'. I'll admit that still doesn't sound great. But the BBC interviewed some top bloke from Asdas and they made it look like he was saying price increase when he 'very carefully' never used these words.


Now what gets me is if you owned a large company in Scotland and 50% of the population was undecided would you come out and make these statements? Think about it. In the even of a Yes vote most Yes voters will have looked at your views and seen it as bullying and you will loose certain customers.

In the event of a No vote you would still loose thousands of voters because it looks like you were part of a scaremongering tactic.


The intelligent companies have kept there heads down and are waiting to see what the outcome is or they have held there hands up and said business will resume as normal.


Surely you can see what I'm saying here.


Big mistake from John Lewis and Asda....be interesting to see how there books look in the coming months.


In my opinion they have weighed up the risk of speaking up and 'looking bad' against the risks of actually having to deal with independence and decided that they had better speak up and be as diplomatic as possible when doing so. You might call that stupid, I call it risk management.....

Well there risk assessor needs shot. Stay quiet and not pick a side or speak out and turn 50% of the country against you? Strange.

Lab anyone willing to fall out with certin shops over a warning need shot alright! Why would you not want to hear these warnings???? It's like falling out with Sean batty for telling you there may be a storm on the way but at least you knew it could be coming!!

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Tbh I think if you would change your vote to no just in the basis of your ability to shoot you have no courage in your nationalistic convictions and are just selfish and narrow minded, plus recognise the yes campaign is like Swiss cheese!


If I could ensure my counties future would be secure, but have to lose shooting then so be it! You are missing the bigger picture!

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Not aware of any Scottish bred supermarkets?

U all going to start shopping at Salmondmart?


Farmfoods :laugh: :laugh:

What's wrong wi Farmfoods like ya snobby English c**t..?..lol

Absolutely nothing my under the boot heel Scottish bitch :laugh: :laugh:


I used to work for them as an assistant manager when I was 16 :laugh: magine having a 16 year old assitant manager wtf :laugh:

Especially a short arsed midget yin who couldnae even see in the f***ing chest freezers.........

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