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I'm f***ing sick of the lot of it, Scotland is my adopted home & love it just the way it is. It's beyond me why folk are willing to blindly jump into the unknown with virtually no facts. Do you really think your country is that bad at present, that you'll risk everything, including the future generations of your own family, on the off chance that you'll be the rich, independant country that's free of England?

It's already opened a big gulf between the two halfs & no matter which way the vote goes theres going to be nearly half the country that feel rather bitter, lol. And that gulf will only grow & grow.

I know first hand how patriotic they are & there dislike for the English , but come on t. f**k lads..!! How any true countryman can vote yes is to me just a bit strange..

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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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  On 12/09/2014 at 06:59, Lab said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 06:56, mushroom said:


  On 11/09/2014 at 22:16, Chr15j said:

Not aware of any Scottish bred supermarkets?

U all going to start shopping at Salmondmart?

Farmfoods :laugh: :laugh:

What's wrong wi Farmfoods like ya snobby English c**t..?..lol


Absolutely nothing my under the boot heel Scottish bitch :laugh: :laugh:


I used to work for them as an assistant manager when I was 16 :laugh: magine having a 16 year old assitant manager wtf :laugh:

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  On 12/09/2014 at 04:47, MIK said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 03:37, Wasted_For_Ever said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 01:45, MIK said:


Im still 100% undecided although im swinging more to the YES vote its just that an SNP or labour goverment is not good for the hunting ,shooting and fishing way of life .

Financialy im sure Scotland can hold its own you just have to look at Norway and im positive we wont be invaded by muslims ...thats Engerlands problem ...it might be a bit of a bumpy ride to begin with but im sure it will benifit the next generation only time will tell .



Your ether very deluded or at best badly informed if you really think that they'd stop at the border if this country was to go Islamic!


Englands problem eh......?

badly informed regarding what ?

MIK mate Islam knows no bounds coming to a city near you soon......

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  On 12/09/2014 at 07:12, mushroom said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 06:59, Lab said:



  On 12/09/2014 at 06:56, mushroom said:


  On 11/09/2014 at 22:16, Chr15j said:

Not aware of any Scottish bred supermarkets?

U all going to start shopping at Salmondmart?

Farmfoods :laugh: :laugh:
What's wrong wi Farmfoods like ya snobby English c**t..?..lol

Absolutely nothing my under the boot heel Scottish bitch :laugh: :laugh:


I used to work for them as an assistant manager when I was 16 :laugh: magine having a 16 year old assitant manager wtf :laugh:

You must have been sucking up to the boss to get that position...lol

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  On 12/09/2014 at 07:11, Alimac2 said:

I'm f***ing sick of the lot of it, Scotland is my adopted home & love it just the way it is. It's beyond me why folk are willing to blindly jump into the unknown with virtually no facts. Do you really think your country is that bad at present, that you'll risk everything, including the future generations of your own family, on the off chance that you'll be the rich, independant country that's free of England?

It's already opened a big gulf between the two halfs & no matter which way the vote goes theres going to be nearly half the country that feel rather bitter, lol. And that gulf will only grow & grow.

I know first hand how patriotic they are & there dislike for the English , but come on t. f**k lads..!! How any true countryman can vote yes is to me just a bit strange..

I think that's the point though mate.....you've looked at it and are happy the way it is....you've no desire to change things because of the 'what ifs'......then you have the other half off the country that's fed up with the way it is and look at the possible 'what ifs'.

What will be will be! Only people I'll have a problem with are No voters who think they can complain about the country when Westminister are pulling the strings.

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Salmond's arse is twitching like a rabbits nose in a thunderstorm :laugh:


He has catagorically lied and misled everyone Lab and now all his bollocks is coming undone.


As for the job position....... I'm just awesome, what can I say? British by birth, English by the grace of God and the jock manager recognised this :laugh: :laugh:

Edited by mushroom
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  On 12/09/2014 at 07:28, mushroom said:


As for the job position....... I'm just awesome, what can I say? British by birth, English by the grace of God and the jock manager recognised this :laugh: :laugh:

Aye it was equal opportunities month and by employing a ginger midget he ticked 2 boxes with you !! :D

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Is it broken enough to want to fix? From what I see day to day, folk living in the current Scotland have got it good, folk in general are doing well financially.

Even though a 100% no, I decided to leave it to the scots to decide there own fate, just remember "The grass ain't always greener"

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  On 12/09/2014 at 07:28, mushroom said:

Salmond's arse is twitching like a rabbits nose in a thunderstorm :laugh:


He has catagorically lied and misled everyone Lab and now all his bollocks is coming undone.


As for the job position....... I'm just awesome, what can I say? British by birth, English by the grace of God and the jock manager recognised this :laugh: :laugh:

If I'm honest mate and I've tried for a while to look at both sides. It's the media that's told the most lies in favour of the Better Together campaign. And that is a factamundo.


JB....fpmsl, nail on the head there mate. Lucky your were not in for the same position. You'd have gave the boss a right headache...??

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  On 12/09/2014 at 07:33, johnny boy68 said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 07:28, mushroom said:


As for the job position....... I'm just awesome, what can I say? British by birth, English by the grace of God and the jock manager recognised this :laugh: :laugh:

Aye it was equal opportunities month and by employing a ginger midget he ticked 2 boxes with you !! :D


:blink: :blink: I have THREE ginger hairs in my beard, that's it. So how the fuuck could he have ticked the ginger box with me?? :laugh: :laugh:

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  On 12/09/2014 at 06:48, Lab said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 02:02, Brigzy said:

So Salmond got rattled and refused to answer the BBCs Nick Robinsons question about RBS relocating to England....hmm, where have I heard that before ?

And now we have Loyds, RBS, Clydesdale and Standard Life all saying they will relocate to England, and Waitrose

, Asda and John Lewis all saying prices will go up in an independent Scotland.

But, hey ho, according to Eck and Joe, they're just bluffing.....

Ffs mate will you stop reading headlines and read the articles in depth. This is exactly the kind of voter the media love.

You don't happen to think that all pit bull type dogs are 'devil dogs' as well do you?

What part of my post is not true, Lab? Why are you burying your head in the sand ? You say you look at both sides, yet you instantly dismiss any thing you don't like.

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  On 12/09/2014 at 07:17, MIK said:

I cant see the why an indepandent Scotland has any thing to do with Islam


I think things are being slightly missrepresented on this point. What I believe people are trying to say is that with Scotlands small population and socialist attitudes the plan on independence has quite openly been stated to open Scottish borders to huge numbers of immigrant labour. It's text book socialism, which you lot seem to love. That's not scaremongering either, I'm pretty sure that is the policy of the YES camp. Which I hear you say isn't very different to the UKs policy right now yeah? However, the reason you've gotten away lightly on the immigration front so far is because being part of the UK, England has taken the brunt of it. Once you're out of the UK, you'll be taking on those immigrants directly.


At least that's my understanding. Of course, you'll vote for whichever party you want post independence but you can't deny your countries political atmosphere is worrying on this point.

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  On 12/09/2014 at 08:01, Brigzy said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 06:48, Lab said:


  On 12/09/2014 at 02:02, Brigzy said:

So Salmond got rattled and refused to answer the BBCs Nick Robinsons question about RBS relocating to England....hmm, where have I heard that before ?

And now we have Loyds, RBS, Clydesdale and Standard Life all saying they will relocate to England, and Waitrose

, Asda and John Lewis all saying prices will go up in an independent Scotland.

But, hey ho, according to Eck and Joe, they're just bluffing.....

Ffs mate will you stop reading headlines and read the articles in depth. This is exactly the kind of voter the media love.

You don't happen to think that all pit bull type dogs are 'devil dogs' as well do you?

What part of my post is not true, Lab? Why are you burying your head in the sand ? You say you look at both sides, yet you instantly dismiss any thing you don't like.

I'm sorry mate but you made 3 statements and 2 are not true and the other one is not what you make it.


1....He clearly answered Nick Robinsons question, twice actually. Go and watch it.


2.. The superstores have not actually said prices 'will' go up they said there might me changes. That doesn't mean raise by the way.


3...The RBS, Lloyds debate.....the word is relocate. This does not mean that there shutting up shop and thousands of jobs will be lost. They have already gave a statement saying this.


It does oh to show how scare tactics are working.

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