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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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Lab, With stupidity that blatant no wonder Salmond can brainwash you!!!


I'm surprised you can cope with breathing!

Oops sorry I read it wrong......lots of reading it's getting a bit tiresome.


Resulting too insults though.....that's the No voters for you...tut tut.

Calling it how I see it, couldn't have made it simpler, bit like Westminster saying no to currency union, looks like the yessers are misreading that too!


Come on show some objectivity and accept the challenge!

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Vote yes so wee as scottish people can make decisions for who we want to govern us and work towards building a better and more equal country for the future of our children and everybody who lives here whats so wrong with scotland being independent ?? Anything has got to be better than this muck we're living a yes vote will let us decide and be in control of wants happening in our own country a yes vote is an easy decision for me ;)

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Well in the event of a No vote I'll just get on with it....no need to argue or fight with anyone. I'll be disappointed that we have never taken the opportunity to better ourselves but life will go on.

But good luck to any no voter who complains about any treatment we get from Westminister.

Oh and I'll answer the 3 question quiz. I'll not be giving 3 reasons though, just one. And that's to have our say on what happens in our wee country. Nothing sinister with hating England or shite like that.....100% just to take control of our own destiny and with that the door 'could' be open to greatness for Scotland.

Think you missed the point...

You're a yesser, your challenge was to come up with 3 negatives of a yes or 3 positives on a no

But you only managed one positive of a yes,

Again says it all.....


1...Control over our own Destiny

2...Be a rich country and put an end to poverty.

3...Stay out of wars

That's 3.

This is the bit where you tell me I'm wrong and can't prove it....lol

Lab, putting and end to poverty and being a rich country, yes, a noble thought, but don't you think this is what EVERY country wants ? How do you think Scotland will achieve this when every country in the world is trying, but not achieving this? America, Switzerland,Singapore, not one country in the world has achieved what you hope for. Salmond is promising you Utopia, and you and Joe believe him.....I honestly hope it doesn't turn to shift , because you just know for a fact who will end up bailing you out.......

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Shealy Ats a load of piss , I live on the banks of the lower clyde and eat plenty of fish and shellfish, also I work on the clyde as a sailor and there is more wild life in the river now than there has been for years, seals, porpoise, basking sharks, and big shoals of fish on the echo sounder, and the water has only got cleaner since the ship building in the clyde ceased

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