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To me, the plusses are Scotland will , if the "yes" vote wins; have full control of their finances and spending and taxation, of course it will be allowed into the EU, as part of the EU's expansion plans. This will probably mean joining the euro and the Shcengen Area as pre-requisites to being accepted. Scotland seems far more pro european than the rest of the UK, so it may be just what they want. The minusses are they will be swapping one union for another, and may find that Brussells is making more rules, laws and regulations than Westminster ever did. Keeping the pound without monetary union will leave you with no control over you currency, keeping the pound WITH monetary union will mean a foreign country will be setting your monetary policy, i.e. interest rates, taxation, etc. Personally, I'd say Scotland would be better off in the long run, with it's own currency and central bank. This uncertaincy over the currency is the MAJOR minus I can see; just about everything else will be worked out with time and consultation.

Lol so you think with catalunya so near their vote that Spain isn't going to use it's veto?? Or UK??? You couldn't make this hopeful shite up! You have been told catagorically no pound, big business moving south, supermarket price rises and you still follow the moronic salmond line of it's a bluff???LMFAO!




you guys are like the no campain, cant agree on anything


Joe, to some of us, especially in England, there is no "yes" or "no"; we simply want the best for the UK. If all goes well with the seperation; GOOD, if there's no seperation we need to have a massive shake up in politics and how the UK is governed. In England, there is a massive upswell in support for UKIP; Scotland seems to hate UKIP, but at the end of the day, UKIP want for England what you and Salmond want for Scotland ! In the event of a "no" vote, things will not stay the same; allready many MPs are talking about an English Parliament, and why not ? You don't want English MPs interfearing in Scotlands business, and we don't want the 59 Scottish MPs interfearing in English business, so big changes are afoot whatever the vote.

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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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I was all for Scotland staying part of the uk ... But the longer this debate goes on and the more I hear the jocks whinging about how hard done by they are and how they get the bad end of the stick blah blah fukcing blah the more I think vote yes and fukc off then for fukcs sake ... It certainly won't effect me one little bit ...bit it think a lot of scots will realise that the grass isn't so green on the other side of the loch ...........


You've probably noticed it's the Yessers who shout the loudest. Bear in mind that polls show most of the Jocks want to remain in the UK.

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To me, the plusses are Scotland will , if the "yes" vote wins; have full control of their finances and spending and taxation, of course it will be allowed into the EU, as part of the EU's expansion plans. This will probably mean joining the euro and the Shcengen Area as pre-requisites to being accepted. Scotland seems far more pro european than the rest of the UK, so it may be just what they want. The minusses are they will be swapping one union for another, and may find that Brussells is making more rules, laws and regulations than Westminster ever did. Keeping the pound without monetary union will leave you with no control over you currency, keeping the pound WITH monetary union will mean a foreign country will be setting your monetary policy, i.e. interest rates, taxation, etc. Personally, I'd say Scotland would be better off in the long run, with it's own currency and central bank. This uncertaincy over the currency is the MAJOR minus I can see; just about everything else will be worked out with time and consultation.

Lol so you think with catalunya so near their vote that Spain isn't going to use it's veto?? Or UK??? You couldn't make this hopeful shite up! You have been told catagorically no pound, big business moving south, supermarket price rises and you still follow the moronic salmond line of it's a bluff???LMFAO!


you guys are like the no campain, cant agree on anything

Actually that was the wrong post quoted but In true blind political arrogance you fail to address the points I made! I give up I hope you get independence and just fucck off to be frank ;) sick of hearing you greeting braveheart style, mark my words love it is gonna end in tears regardless of how the vote goes. I really hope someone beats that political shit stirrer salmond with a broken bottle!


ill eat humble pie if am wrong, if it turns out for the better for scots i hope you can admit it. either way i have no problems with you :thumbs:

now that is a honest reply ;) it's not about eating humble pie it is gonna go tits up regardless of the outcome! I have no issue with you either pal but you have to admit the lies being pumped out by yes are turning out to be rubbished just like I said they would ages ago on the first thread.
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To me, the plusses are Scotland will , if the "yes" vote wins; have full control of their finances and spending and taxation, of course it will be allowed into the EU, as part of the EU's expansion plans. This will probably mean joining the euro and the Shcengen Area as pre-requisites to being accepted. Scotland seems far more pro european than the rest of the UK, so it may be just what they want. The minusses are they will be swapping one union for another, and may find that Brussells is making more rules, laws and regulations than Westminster ever did. Keeping the pound without monetary union will leave you with no control over you currency, keeping the pound WITH monetary union will mean a foreign country will be setting your monetary policy, i.e. interest rates, taxation, etc. Personally, I'd say Scotland would be better off in the long run, with it's own currency and central bank. This uncertaincy over the currency is the MAJOR minus I can see; just about everything else will be worked out with time and consultation.

Lol so you think with catalunya so near their vote that Spain isn't going to use it's veto?? Or UK??? You couldn't make this hopeful shite up! You have been told catagorically no pound, big business moving south, supermarket price rises and you still follow the moronic salmond line of it's a bluff???LMFAO!



you guys are like the no campain, cant agree on anything


Actually that was the wrong post quoted but In true blind political arrogance you fail to address the points I made! I give up I hope you get independence and just fucck off to be frank ;) sick of hearing you greeting braveheart style, mark my words love it is gonna end in tears regardless of how the vote goes. I really hope someone beats that political shit stirrer salmond with a broken bottle!



ill eat humble pie if am wrong, if it turns out for the better for scots i hope you can admit it. either way i have no problems with you :thumbs:


now that is a honest reply ;) it's not about eating humble pie it is gonna go tits up regardless of the outcome! I have no issue with you either pal but you have to admit the lies being pumped out by yes are turning out to be rubbished just like I said they would ages ago on the first thread.


you see them as lies, thats your opinion... alot of scots feel the same about no, time will tell



you guys have shared some news today, id like to share some positive comments( proper cut and paste lol )


martin gilbert chieft exc of aberdeen asset managment

"I think an independent Scotland would be a big success."

He added: "Most sensible people now accept that Scotland would be prosperous with either outcome in the current constitutional debate.

"A sterling union would be both desirable and highly likely whatever is said in London now. Sterlingisation, that is keeping the pound come what may, would be a pretty good option.

"Low or no debt would be the position if an independent Scotland were denied access to Bank of England financial assets, and that would leave the newly independent country in both budget and balance of payments surplus – not a bad start."


Angus Grossart, chairman of merchant bank Noble Grossart and one of the most influential figures in the Scottish financial establishment, said some commentary on the referendum’s market impact had been “severely overstated” and people should “stay cool and not panic”.

“I think it is getting out of hand, a severe overreaction,” he said. “The FTSE seems perfectly stable today, but to hear some of the comments you almost expect people to be predicting a plague of locusts or mice next http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/764f32d4-38b0-11e4-a53b-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3D1qGOHMl


Prof John Kay, from the London School of Economics

"Scotland is one of the wealthiest nations in the world, richer per head than France, Japan and the UK, and with the powers of independence we will use that wealth to ensure all of Scotland will thrive,"

going to take a brake from this thread for a few days and focuss on some other parts of thl, will get some ferreting reports up soon

Edited by Joe1888
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Using caps lock as I am shouting at you because you are frustrating the hell out of me with your ignorance and blind faith.


Come on take up the challenge, exercise those brain cells and stop regurgitating all the shit you are being fed!!!!!

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

id be pulling my hair out aswell if I was ginger lol
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Well in the event of a No vote I'll just get on with it....no need to argue or fight with anyone. I'll be disappointed that we have never taken the opportunity to better ourselves but life will go on.

But good luck to any no voter who complains about any treatment we get from Westminister.


Oh and I'll answer the 3 question quiz. I'll not be giving 3 reasons though, just one. And that's to have our say on what happens in our wee country. Nothing sinister with hating England or shite like that.....100% just to take control of our own destiny and with that the door 'could' be open to greatness for Scotland.

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Joe I'd just give it a miss mate. Your not going to change any minds on here. I must applaud you for sticking at it cause I'd be pulling my hair out at half the stuff you get thrown at you.

You get asked a question and you try and answer it, then your told that's bollocks. You then go away and find some info to either prove or back up your statements and you get shot down for copy and pasting. You really can't make that up!! Laughable!!

id be pulling my hair out aswell if I was ginger lol

Your English.....you've top trumped me on shit things..lol

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Well in the event of a No vote I'll just get on with it....no need to argue or fight with anyone. I'll be disappointed that we have never taken the opportunity to better ourselves but life will go on.

But good luck to any no voter who complains about any treatment we get from Westminister.


Oh and I'll answer the 3 question quiz. I'll not be giving 3 reasons though, just one. And that's to have our say on what happens in our wee country. Nothing sinister with hating England or shite like that.....100% just to take control of our own destiny and with that the door 'could' be open to greatness for Scotland.

Think you missed the point...


You're a yesser, your challenge was to come up with 3 negatives of a yes or 3 positives on a no


But you only managed one positive of a yes,

Again says it all.....

Edited by Chr15j
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Well in the event of a No vote I'll just get on with it....no need to argue or fight with anyone. I'll be disappointed that we have never taken the opportunity to better ourselves but life will go on.

But good luck to any no voter who complains about any treatment we get from Westminister.


Oh and I'll answer the 3 question quiz. I'll not be giving 3 reasons though, just one. And that's to have our say on what happens in our wee country. Nothing sinister with hating England or shite like that.....100% just to take control of our own destiny and with that the door 'could' be open to greatness for Scotland.

Think you missed the point...


You're a yesser, your challenge was to come up with 3 negatives of a yes or 3 positives on a no


But you only managed one positive of a yes,

Again says it all.....

1...Control over our own Destiny

2...Be a rich country and put an end to poverty.

3...Stay out of wars


That's 3.


This is the bit where you tell me I'm wrong and can't prove it....lol

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Lab, With stupidity that blatant no wonder Salmond can brainwash you!!!


I'm surprised you can cope with breathing!

Oops sorry I read it wrong......lots of reading it's getting a bit tiresome.


Resulting too insults though.....that's the No voters for you...tut tut.

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