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Joe, you are confusing what Salmond said would be his reason for defaulting on Scotland's share of the debt; he said they would default if rUK didn't agree to a monetary union, nothing to do with division of assets. He said it again last night. Why on earth would an independent Scotland want their interest rates and monetary policy be set by a foreign entity, the Bank of England ? Also, all the major UK parties have said it will not happen, any Prime minister would never agree to being the lender of last resort to s foreign country, it would be political suicide. Why won't Salmond let Scotland have it's own currency and central bank ? Why does he want to remain tied to the UK by monetary union ? A strange sort of independence that would be !



scotland has had nothing to do with the strength of the pound or the public boe( founded by a scotsman)??? its not an asset that scotland contributed to? you cant have cake and eat it, you cant say you wont have assets but you will take on debt..


its tactics!


after a yes vote, why would the uk gov say no to a currency union, blowing a 40 billion hole in balence of payments, 500 plus million extra in trade costs, and keep the 1.4 trillion debt its struggling to manage, its crazy?


if the uk said no to a currency union, it wouldnt be long untill the strength of the pound drops


the law expert at edinburgh uni has already confirmed scotland cant default on a debt thats not theres... its signed in the uk name not iscotlands..


scotland already pays £127.00 a second on loans it didnt take out..



ill quote standard and poors"even excluding North Sea output and calculating per capita GDP only by looking at onshore income, Scotland would qualify for our highest economic assessment”. In conclusion, “we would expect Scotland to benefit from all the attributes of an investment-grade sovereign credit characterised by its wealthy economy, high-quality human capital, flexible product and labour markets, and transparent institutions”. "

Edited by Joe1888
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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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England seem very determent to hang on to us why

Because the Labour Party need your Scottish MPs if they are to ever form a government again, and the Tories full name is The Conservative And Unionist Party, so losing Scotland would would be a huge blow to them, and Cameron would certainly have to resign and be known forever as the P M who lost the Union. You'll probably find that most normal English people either couldn't care less or would happily see an independent Scotland.


my arguments have never been about the yes or no, that's purely a decision for the Scottish, however they should be given all the facts and not blindly lead into a decision that could make or brake them, i agree totally with what you say about salmond and his inability to see past a monetary union

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England seem very determent to hang on to us why

Because the Labour Party need your Scottish MPs if they are to ever form a government again, and the Tories full name is The Conservative And Unionist Party, so losing Scotland would would be a huge blow to them, and Cameron would certainly have to resign and be known forever as the P M who lost the Union. You'll probably find that most normal English people either couldn't care less or would happily see an independent Scotland.


my arguments have never been about the yes or no, that's purely a decision for the Scottish, however they should be given all the facts and not blindly lead into a decision that could make or brake them, i agree totally with what you say about salmond and his inability to see past a monetary union




i agree facts should be given, its not easy for scottish people to get facts with mainstreem media are biased.. bbc is one or the worst

Edited by Joe1888
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Joe, you are confusing what Salmond said would be his reason for defaulting on Scotland's share of the debt; he said they would default if rUK didn't agree to a monetary union, nothing to do with division of assets. He said it again last night. Why on earth would an independent Scotland want their interest rates and monetary policy be set by a foreign entity, the Bank of England ? Also, all the major UK parties have said it will not happen, any Prime minister would never agree to being the lender of last resort to s foreign country, it would be political suicide. Why won't Salmond let Scotland have it's own currency and central bank ? Why does he want to remain tied to the UK by monetary union ? A strange sort of independence that would be !





scotland has had nothing to do with the strength of the pound or the public boe( founded by a scotsman)??? its not an asset that scotland contributed to? you cant have cake and eat it, you cant say you wont have assets but you will take on debt..


its tactics!


after a yes vote, why would the uk gov say no to a currency union, blowing a 40 billion hole in balence of payments, 500 plus million extra in trade costs, and keep the 1.4 trillion debt its struggling to manage, its crazy?


if the uk said no to a currency union, it wouldnt be long untill the strength of the pound drops


the law expert at edinburgh uni has already confirmed scotland cant default on a debt thats not theres... its signed in the uk name not scotlands..


scotland already pays £127.00 a second on loans it didnt take out..



ill quote standard and poors"even excluding North Sea output and calculating per capita GDP only by looking at onshore income, Scotland would qualify for our highest economic assessment”. In conclusion, “we would expect Scotland to benefit from all the attributes of an investment-grade sovereign credit characterised by its wealthy economy, high-quality human capital, flexible product and labour markets, and transparent institutions”. "[/size][/quote



Joe, no matter how you spin it, after independence Scotland will be a foreign country ! Why would you want monetary union with a foreign country where you would have no say in your interest rates or monetary policy ? The BoE is the central bank of the Uk, and after independence would be the central bank of a foreign country. Do you think America or Japan would give you monetary union, of course not. The only monetary union you may get is the euro, and we can all see where that is heading ! Politicians are renowned for lying and doing u turns, but for any of the leaders to say "hey, I was only bluffing, you can have monetary union" would be signing their own political suicide note ! You still won't, or can't tell me why Salmond won't entertain a Scottish currency and central bank, could it be he is not as confident as he pretends to be, in Scotland's ability to go it alone ? Maybe that's why he want to keep the UKs apron strings firmly attached ?

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do you agree it would make a good tactic, to put doubt in voters mind to win a no vote?


after a yes vote, what ever uk gov will need to do whats best for country, that is a currency union.. even darling has admitted that!!! david cameron signed the edinburgh agreement saying differences would be put aside and he and salmond would work in the interest of uk and scotland..


uk pm will accept it because its best for everyone, its common sense, after a yes vote things will change, yes will hit home!


theres a range of currency options, loads of countrys have made it work!! why cant scotland? because we are to wee, to poor to stupid? lol


id have to agree with salmond comment last night, why would he go the table arguing for second best...


scotland wont be joining the euro, thats already been said

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Joe, don't make things up ! Darling said Scotland could still use the pound, LIKE PANAMA uses the dollar! He didn't agree to monetary union. It's never been in doubt that you could use the pound, any country can, but it wouldn't be monetary union. Your interest rates and monetary policy would be set by a foreign government. I'll ask for a third and final time, why won't Salmond countenance a Scottish currency and Scottish Central bank ?

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Joe, why do YOU want monetary union, where you will be the junior partner, with no say over your interest rates and monetary policy ? You seem to be a champion of independence, yet this would be a very poor type of independence . Salmond wants to keep the queen, the BBC, customs union etc. How would this "independence" be any different from devolution ?

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Joe, why do YOU want monetary union, where you will be the junior partner, with no say over your interest rates and monetary policy ? You seem to be a champion of independence, yet this would be a very poor type of independence . Salmond wants to keep the queen, the BBC, customs union etc. How would this "independence" be any different from devolution ?

simple salmond would get the fame he craves in history

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Joe, why do YOU want monetary union, where you will be the junior partner, with no say over your interest rates and monetary policy ? You seem to be a champion of independence, yet this would be a very poor type of independence . Salmond wants to keep the queen, the BBC, customs union etc. How would this "independence" be any different from devolution ?


alot of the options listed will work, thats been recommened as the best for all countrys from nobel price winners etc etc.. others like adam smith etc think other option is better.. currency isnt the big problem up here you guys think it is.. the mess uk gov has us in is... theres only one way to fix it, indepenence, call it what you will, slag it off... it will give us more power/control of the country running it in the best interest of scotland not south england... powers we will never get from the uk pm( cameron already said ), continue public services that we can afford, services other parts of uk wish they had..



am taking a break from this, before the crap hits the fan lol

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We, the UK are stronger together than we can ever hope to be divided, does anyone really believe cameron offered Scotland a vote on independance for the benifit of Scotland and the Scottish people, get real, cameron, salmond and the rest of the slimey basards are up to something and us lot wont know f**k all about it until its too late

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