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cammy, not sure where your from mate.. am from dalkeith just outside edinburgh, have you noticed in your surrounding areas a big support for yes? its going to be close, to many right yes off...

Edited by Joe1888
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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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  On 24/08/2014 at 14:30, mushroom said:

Has everybody forgotten the fact that Spain has a veto and will use it to block Scotland's entry to the EU :laugh: or the UK will aswell for that matter :laugh: Banana republic pound here Scotland comes :tongue2::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


the eu argument, there more chance of us leaving with the in/out vote looming, its well stated what south england want, they out vote us, as they have done in many general elections.

if scotland votes yes, we will still be a eu member for two years, in those two years we have enough time to iron out small details, even the uk govs expert on the matter said thats enough time http://www.dailyreco...d-could-1704454.

we can only go on the information provided, professer sionaidh douglas scot, professor of european and human rights law at oxford uni states- any future independent scotlands eu membership should be assured, and its transition from the eu membership qua part of the uk ( as we will be for 2 years ) to eu membership qua independent scotland relatively smooth and straightfoward

scotland already meets all the requirements for membership, david cameron already said he would support scotlands membership.

barroso said securing support from the 28 member states would be extremely difficult....... professor michael keating has since said(also mentions spain)

the no campain had some egg on face when claims junckers comment included scotland were directly contradicted by junckers spokeswoman. a few days later, no arguments were in trouble again when a high ranking official confirmed the scottish gov view on eu membership. the official told scotland on sunday that scotland would be exempt from the normal application precess as its already a signatory to the core requirements for nation states in areas such as employment rights and equality legislation due to its 40 year eu membership.

as said above even david cameron said he would support iscotland joining the eu, spain has also acknowladged scotlands referendum is fundamentally different to basque and catalan claims for autonomy.

look at the attitide of eu governments towards uk govs in/out vote. when so many speak out against the uk leaving the eu, why would they force scotland out????

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Lmao because if they don't veto then Catalunya will be next lmao I find it hilarious you joeys greet about independence and then watch your potential leader trying to sell that straight to Brussels and climb into bed with them. Spain still doesn't officially recognize some Balkalan countries for this reason they can never get into the EU what makes Scotland any different???

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juncker said and the no campain jumped on it


over the next five years, there won't be any new member states acceding to the European Union. It's hard to imagine that one of the candidate states with whom we are negotiating will have, in time, met all the accession criteria.



then a few days later it was made clear from his team the above was refering to countries such as turkey,macedonia,serbia and others. the difference is, scotland meets the criteria, as scotland is already a member! juncker was talking about new countries into the eu, not about kicking out countries that are already in the eu.

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Ah well I was right about the BOE telling you to fuuck off re the pound and businesses saying we'll move south of the border etc...... Let's see what happens as I can't be arsed arguing with someone who regurgitates rubbish spouted by lying politicians out to fil their own pockets ;)

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Scotland and the pound..Not matter what, we cant be stoped from using the pound, the experts say a currency union is best for everyone, it makes sense..I honestly believe its just tactics from the no side, to try put doubt in voters mind to secure a no vote. its a fully tradable currency, we will use it with or without a currency union.

If scotland votes yes they have to change mind..


The uk has massive debts, if it refuses to share the currency with scotland then its cutting its noise off to spite its face.. The uk is already struggling to pay debt and its interest, its alreay lost its top credit rating for the first time since the 70s( about the same time of oil boom ) If you take away what scotland brings the table/ balence of payment then the uk would struggle to pay the interest of its already massive debt ( about 1.4 trillion, give or take .1/2 ) its common sense, if scotland votes yes, would the uk still try play hard ball, the referendum is over, no vote is to be won now...


What would you do if you were uk gov? without scotland in a currency union or part of the uk, the uk balence of payments would be f****d, they are already struggling to pay the massive debt and interest.. if scotland wasnt in a currency union or part of the uk it would blow atleast a £40 billion hole in the uk balence of payments, then theres the 500 plus millions extra trade costs etc etc.. wouldnt be long after the pounds strength would drop.


It would be madness for uk to reject a currency union given how interlinked our economies are.

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You do realise London not Edinburgh is the finacial capital of the world and the that has/is driving the British economy into the fastest growing globally?? On you go vote independence and watch the disater unfold for your families, jobs, benefits, healthcare etc! Remember this.... I told you so ;)

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