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Turning Into A Islamic World

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Not on FB ' Palus

Any other links ?


Max, it let me watch it without signing in to facebook..


It would seem it was filmed in Green Street, in East London... a road that runs up alongside Upton Park, must be loads of old east enders turning in their graves.

I've got an uncle I never had the chance to meet lying in the soil of the war cemetary in Carbonara Di Bari, Puglia, Italy put there at the age of 19, another uncle who used to show me his extra belly buttons, scars from bullets... just a few of the many who fought for this country... what a f**king waste that this is being allowed to happen now.

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Love that video Paulus it's stuff like that which opens people's eyes to it all. Look at them in their ignorance stating hatred for the west whilst wearing for the most part western clothes using technology invented by the white man like mobile phones and microphones to spread their dirt lol. Who's the biggest wasters, them or the antifa left who stick up for them. Liberalism and multiculturalism is a disease.

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